Tag: Campus cooking

Good old apple pie

I’m a firm believer that every single person on this planet should know how to make a classic apple pie. Whether you need to pull it together for a potluck or bring something to family Thanksgiving, this recipe isn’t only quick and easy, it’s also a major crowd pleaser. A step-up from the traditional...

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Marshmallows, chocolate and bunnies (oh my)

I think we can all agree that the four months of summer always feel like the shortest months of the year. But although the season of pumpkin spice and orange ivy on campus quickly approaches, there’s no need to ditch your campfire dreams just yet. Rain, sleet, snow or hail – these campfire-inspired...

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Grandma Liblik's Spanakopita Recipe

Throughout the school year, it’s hard not to miss home-cooking. While we often have the luxury in the summertime of having dinner at home, we need to start preparing ourselves for when we are back in school without mom or dad to whip up our favorite meals. While we all have our family favourites,...

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Bite-sized banana bread

I have a tremendous amount of respect for people who can have only one slice of banana bread. My “slices” of banana bread consist of roughly a quarter loaf, and who really only eats one slice?  They’re cute, they’re tasty and as satisfying as an entire loaf. You could also just have one, but that’s...

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Traditional and modern bannock

With Aboriginal Awareness Week underway, there’s nothing quite like celebrating Indigenous culture with our famous bannock.  Bannock, commonly called frybread, is flat bread that’s both sweet and savoury.  The traditional version is called Kana’tarohkhòn:we, which roughly translates to “original cooked...

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Tasty taco salad

During midterm season, fitness and cooking become less of a priority, and fattening comfort food creeps its way into your diet.  Getting out of the second semester slump isn’t easy, and going cold turkey on junk food will just lead to a late-night binge. Instead, this taco salad has all of the great...

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Tomato egg drop soup

In the summer before I headed off to my first year of university, my mother insisted I learn how to cook the various staples we ate at home. With Monday being Chinese New Year, I knew I wouldn’t be able to recreate any traditional Chinese dishes eaten during this time of year, but I do have this recipe. While...

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Jamaican coconut bread

Black History Month serves as a reminder of the importance of appreciating and exploring other cultures — and honestly, there’s nothing that brings people together quite like food. This month, I decided to explore a recipe in Jamaican cuisine provided by a good friend of mine. This recipe for coconut...

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Homemade protein bars

New year, new you. You’ve figured out how to swipe your student card at the ARC and you’re braving the treadmill line. You might even consider opening the petrifying doors to the lifting zone.  But while you might be working off that winter weight, your muscles need an adequate protein supply to recover...

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Easy-to-make baked mac and cheese

What’s better than mac and cheese? Try baked mac and cheese. To follow are recipes that will cure stressful days, make your mouth water and keep you coming back for more. I’ve put together two recipes: one from scratch and another, a student hack made with Kraft Dinner. Both make about four servings...

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Five ways to make grilled cheese

Grilled cheese is probably one of the most popular comfort foods amongst university students. It’s easy, quick and incredibly satisfying. But how many times have you settled for the simple cheddar and white bread combo? You deserve a new twist on a classic, or maybe five. Welcome to the future of...

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Chocolate Christmas cheer

One of my favourite things about baking is that you can make any recipe personal. Everyone has their own way of doing things, their own family recipes and secret ingredients. This holiday season use this simple chocolate cookie recipe and make it your own.  These babies can be made with most types...

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Molten lava in a winter wonderland

As the air starts to cool, and the dreaded Kingston winds start to pick up, many of us find ourselves bundled up wishing for the warm summer months to return. Better yet, for the winter break to finally come packed with holiday treats.  If the blanket scarf isn’t holding you over during these cooler...

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A wicked treat

We all have that friend who shows up to a potluck with an extravagantly decorated masterpiece that puts your Pillsbury Halloween cookies to shame.    With the spookiest and sweetest holiday of the year just around the corner, it’s time you swap that pre-made Pillsbury cookie dough for a wicked new...

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Thanksgiving special: apple pie with a twist

With Thanksgiving around the corner, we’re onto the next big thing in baking. A creative idea like no other; an apple pie baked inside of an apple. That’s right, take a moment to recover from the shock of the pure genius of the idea. Not only adorable and functional, this recipe has a perfect autumn...

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Speedy breakfasts for the late riser

On most mornings, I’ll sacrifice just about anything for an extra five minutes of sleep. But I’ll always try to make time for my morning munch. Most of the time I only have a few minutes, but I’ve managed to find a few go-tos that I can either eat quickly or take on my way to class. To follow are...

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Five-minute pumpkin spiced mug cake

The return of the PSL is an annual event like no other. That’s a pumpkin spice latte for those of you who’ve been living on West Campus, cut off from the rest of society. Forget your birthday, whatever you do at the end of September, and the airdate of the next season of that reality show you guiltily...

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Shake up your shake

Have a busy morning ahead? Forget about the coffee and doughnuts (well, maybe not the coffee) and instead try the filling, but healthier option of a smoothie. Smoothies are a thick, smooth drink of fresh fruit pureed with milk, yogurt or ice cream. While this combination often creates delicious concoctions...

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A cheesy love affair

No relationship has been more fulfilling and reliable in my life than that between myself and a good slice of pizza.  The instant satisfaction of gooey cheese melted over warm dough and one of thousands, no — millions, of combinations of toppings, is incomparable. It can only be topped by the state...

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Pumpkin spice latte’s BFF: Easy pumpkin muffins

Well, it’s that time of year again. As the leaves slowly start to change around campus, fall becomes the perfect opportunity to bundle up, put on some Netflix, and take advantage of the delicious fall harvest. My favourite part about fall (and every season for that matter), is the familiar scents...

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Easy five-ingredient meals

A new school year has begun, bringing with it the very busy and somewhat stressful student life. It can be hard to find time to make meals that are both satisfying and nutritious when we’re preoccupied with academics, extracurriculars and part-time jobs. In the midst of all this activity, it’s easy...

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Twenty-minute lentil soup

By Carolyn Flanagan Assistant Blogs Editor Crock pots and slow cookers aren’t necessary to make a delicious lentil soup. Featuring high fibre, protein-rich lentils and as many vegetables as your heart desires, this hearty dish is sure to keep you warm and nourished during winter. Ingredients • 1 tbsp...

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Thanksgiving Turkey

Journal Editor in Chief Jake Edmiston shows you how he prepares a Thanksgiving turkey. Camera: Justin Chin Editor: Justin Chin Queen’s Journal © 2011

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Easy eating: making food in bulk

Between waiting in line to buy textbooks and balancing a social life with 8:30 a.m. classes, we already have enough on our minds during the first week back on campus. The last thing we want to worry about is a well-balanced meal. One way to ease ourselves back into the kitchen is cooking in bulk cook....

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