Tag: salad

Tasty taco salad

During midterm season, fitness and cooking become less of a priority, and fattening comfort food creeps its way into your diet.  Getting out of the second semester slump isn’t easy, and going cold turkey on junk food will just lead to a late-night binge. Instead, this taco salad has all of the great...

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Crunchy broccoli salad

My mom received this recipe about 20 years ago from a family friend and ever since it has always been a favourite. When I was growing up, I always helped my mom make it for barbeques and parties that we held at our house. It was one of the first few recipes that I asked my mom for when I moved to...

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Beet and carrot salad

Everyone knows the saying you are what you eat. You can make the most of your health and nutrition by indulging in some seasonal, spring recipes that use ingredients, such as arugula, asparagus, beets, carrots and spinach. When you choose in-season fruits and vegetables, you eliminate the economic...

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Brunch it up: Pomegranate kale salad and smoothie

When I’m back home for the holidays, my diet seems to consist of a lot of overeating. I’m talking about full course meals, holiday desserts and indulgent sugary holiday drinks. To satisfy my health craving, I’m opting for a light brunch featuring a very tart treat: a pomegranate kale salad and smoothie. The...

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