Tag: Sex column

The Tricolour Sex Column: Navigating kinks

This article discusses sexual assault and may be triggering for some readers. The opinions expressed in this piece reflect only the experiences of a brown Queer Muslim cisgender woman whose upbringing included poor access to sex education and reproductive healthcare. No article, author, or publication...

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Tricolour Sex Column: The tea on anal

The opinions expressed in this piece reflect only the experiences of a brown Queer Muslim cisgendered woman whose upbringing included poor access to sex education and reproductive healthcare. No article, author, or publication can accurately reflect the experiences of all women. Please read with caution and...

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Tricolour Sex Diary: Girls aren’t the only ones who bleed in bed

Last school year, I didn’t date much. I justified it by telling myself I was too busy and it was smarter to focus on school work than on my love life. When I decided to stay in Kingston for the summer, I found that I had a lot more spare time and, like Kingston’s snow, my previous logic melted away. So...

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Tri-Colour Sex Diary: The one where I threw up on his bed

On a Tuesday night in March of my first year at Queen’s, I was walking through a blizzard on my way to my first Tinder meetup. I’d been talking to Ethan* for a few days, and he’d invited me to his residence room to watch a sitcom and drink cheap wine.  Ethan was funny, forward, and resembled a character...

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Tri-colour Sex Diary: Bumble, Mr. Brightside, and ball hockey

Most Queen’s students have dramatic dating app stories to swap, whether they used the platform to find love or simply ward off boredom. My only dating app experience was eventful enough that I won’t consider anyone’s profile beyond a casual swipe ever again.  One Saturday night, trying to recover...

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Tri-colour Sex Diary: A series of unfortunate boys

With a new year and semester beginning, I was determined to make better choices in 2019—especially when it came to men. But a few weeks after being back at Queen’s, a wine mixer, house party, and a few misguided suitors have put my hopes to rest. I met Nate,* who could be best described as stoner-meets-surfer,...

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Tri-colour Sex Diary: My first same-sex hookup

When I tell my friends I recently became a sexually liberated woman, they often reply with a furrowed brow. My sexual enlightenment started at a concert downtown with a long-time friend of mine, Finn.* When the band played the song both of us had our first kisses to, I decided to make a move, and...

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Tri-colour Sex Diary: A drunken princess takes on Queen’s

Once upon a time, a hopeful princess came to Kingston for Frosh Week, ready to down some vodka sodas and drunkenly find a storybook ending with her Prince Charming. Unfortunately, this story isn’t a fairy tale, and I didn’t find anyone close to royalty.  The story I’m about to tell is a shameful,...

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Sex in the limestone city: We need to follow our own rules

Dating in the modern age can be difficult – there’s no denying it.  I’ve both voiced complaints myself and heard numerous others from friends about how hard it is to actually have a relationship in our millennial era. In a generation that’s often overcome by social media, ever-changing societal norms...

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Sex in the Limestone City: A trip to the SHRC

During my first week at Queen’s, my residence floor had the pleasure of being visited by representatives from the Sexual Health Resource Center (SHRC). These “sexperts” introduced us to the amazing resource students have right at our fingertips that provide sex-related services from safe sex...

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Back to the basics: “How do I ask a cute guy out?”

Dear S&M:  There’s this really good-looking guy in my tutorial that I’ve been waiting to ask me out all year. He still hasn’t even though we’ve been flirting and talking all year… Should I ask him out or will that make me look weird? Do guys even like it when girls ask them out? — Sadie...

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