Two-ingredient pancakes: healthy, tasty and quick

Something about pancakes just tastes like home. They’re a treat very few of us indulge in while at school, but if the recipe is this simple and delicious, why not?

These pancakes have just two ingredients: banana and eggs. You can whip them up in seconds and with no added sweetener they leave sugary cereals and premade snack bars in their dust.

Bananas are a great source of potassium, vital to the function of your heart, digestion and muscles. As stress levels increase, our stores of potassium tend to deplete, so it is important to make sure you are taking some in with your diet. Plus, the protein from the egg will keep you fuller longer and keep you mind on your work rather than your stomach as midterms loom nearer.

The best part is, these pancakes really do taste and smell delicious. In a matter of minutes that sweet, toasty smell will waft through your kitchen.

Serving: Makes 2-3 big pancakes.


  • 1 banana
  • 2 eggs
  • Cooking oil
  • Toppings of your choice


  1. Begin by breaking your banana into pieces and set aside in a bowl. An overripe banana will work best for this recipe because it’s easier to mash and will lend more sweetness to the final product. With a fork, mash the banana until it comes to a smooth and even consistency

  2. In another bowl, crack both eggs and whisk.
  3. In two batches, add the puréed banana to the eggs, stirring in between until well combined.
  4. Heat butter or any cooking oil on a pan over medium heat. Any oil will work, but I prefer the flavour of coconut oil for this recipe. Make sure to use enough. The oil is vital to making sure the pancakes flip easily and for achieving that nice toasty brown look.
  5. Pour enough batter for one pancake into the pan. I used ⅓ cup of batter for my first attempt, ¼ for my second, and tablespoons for the final few little ones. My recommendation would be to use a ¼ of batter or less per pancake. The smaller ones were easier to flip and cooked up faster. However, if you prefer a larger, more crêpe-like pancake, use a ⅓ cup and take your element down to medium/low to allow the batter to spread out.
  6. The pancake is ready to flip when the bottom is solid enough that the whole thing can be slid onto the spatula without breaking.

Transfer your finished pancakes to your plate, top and enjoy. I like my pancakes with peanut butter and frozen raspberries melted in the microwave, but go ahead and experiment with whatever strikes your fancy.

A little maple syrup or honey might be lovely with these for something even sweeter, or perhaps some cinnamon or apple slices. You could even try adding chocolate chips or blueberries to the batter itself.

These pancakes are just the thing for a lazy weekend morning. So cozy up and turn up the Jack Johnson – it’s pancake time.

breakfast, easy recipe, pancake, recipe

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