Whipping up lettuce wraps

Although I do appreciate a good salad, people are surprised to hear that vegan food is delicious, diverse and healthy. It’s also inexpensive and super easy to make, which is good for those who don’t enjoy spending hours in the kitchen – or hundreds of dollars on groceries.

One of my favourite recipes for those quick lunches in between classes is cashew tofu lettuce wraps. This recipe is also great for sharing as appetizers.

Serving: makes six small or three large wraps


  • 3/4 cup of diced extra firm tofu (approx. 1.5oz)
  • 1 package of instant noodles
  • 1 handful of raw cashews
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tbsp of teriyaki sauce
  • 1tbsp of olive or vegetable oil
  • Romaine lettuce (2-3 leaves)


  1. Peel and mince garlic. I like to cut off both ends of the clove to make the peeling easier. Set aside when done.
  2. Chop a handful of cashews. I recommend using a large knife and placing the heel of your non-dominant hand on the dull edge of the blade to get precise chops without losing your fingers. If your cashew pieces get all dusty, simply brush the larger chunks into a measuring cup or container!
  3. Cut tofu to the width of your index finger then cut lengthwise into strips and then into cubes. If your tofu is really watery, feel free to pat dry with a paper towel.

    Pro tip: You can store your extra tofu in an unsealed tupperware container filled with cold water to maximize freshness. I rest the lid on top of the container so I can stack things in my fridge (can I hear an “amen” for tiny student fridges?) but ensure it isn’t airtight.

  4. Cook noodles and let them simmer for approximately 5 minutes, then remove from heat and drain water Set noodles aside.
  5. Put a pan on medium heat and cook garlic in one tablespoon of oil. I’m using avocado oil because I happen to have it in my kitchen, but you can use olive, vegetable, or any other kind of cooking oil.
  6. Once you see little bubbles around the garlic as it starts to cook, add your tofu and cashews. Make sure to stir the pan so that the garlic is evenly distributed.
  7. Next, pour two tablespoons of teriyaki sauce over the tofu, cashews,and garlic. Stir every minute or so to ensure tofu cubes are evenly cooked on all sides. This step should take 7-10 minutes.
  8. While these ingredients are cooking, pull out your lettuce and tear into pieces approximately as big as your hand. If you want to make larger wraps, feel free to use larger pieces of lettuce.
  9. Using a fork place noodles in the centre of each piece of lettuce. Be careful not to use too much or your wraps will be a bit difficult to handle while eating.
  10. Take your tofu/cashew/garlic mix and spoon on top of the noodles. My wraps fit around one spoonful, maybe a bit more.

And with that, you’re finished! These wraps are absolutely delicious, easy to make and only require ingredients that most people have around their kitchen.

I recommend trying tempeh instead of tofu for a nuttier flavour. If you’re making these wraps to save for later, simply keep them in the fridge. While I suggest eating them right away – who could resist? – these wraps will keep for a day or two.

I hope you all enjoyed this recipe, and I wish you luck on all your cooking endeavour

cashews, Healthy, recipe, snack, tofu, Vegan

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