S&M: Maybe Carrie and maybe Charlotte

It feels like we only started this journey yesterday, but here we are at the close of this sexy chapter of our lives. Writing this column was never something we thought we’d be doing in our undergrad, but we’re grateful for the opportunity that The Journal gave us to get to connect with the Queen’s community in such a unique way. 

S&M has given us the space to be our uncensored, totally authentic selves — for better or worse. We’ve been able to openly discuss topics like female masturbation, nude photos and safe sex with a welcoming and sex positive community. We feel as though we haven’t only strengthened our bond with each other but also with those who were brave and open enough to send us their deepest thoughts and questions. And for that, we thank you.  

As we prepare to leave Queen’s behind in three short weeks, we’ve learned something else that we think you should know. So, for the final time, allow us to give you this one last piece of advice: 

Moving on from something that you’re comfortable with is scary. We know that. But don’t dwell on the past. Look forward to whatever new adventure is coming your way with a sense of confidence and excitement. Throwing yourself into a brand new situation in which you’re uncomfortable can allow you to grow and learn about yourself and others. So embrace it. If we, two very small 21-year-olds, who are qualified for absolutely nothing, can do it, so can you.  

Go forth with the confidence that you can do whatever you put your mind to. We’ll always be rooting for you from over here, baby. 

— S&M 😉 

Lifestyle, S&M, Sexuality

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