How to make friends 101: cinnamon buns

I don’t think any smell makes me drool as much as the spicy, sweet scent of cinnamon buns. Nor do I think any food puts me in as big of a food coma. 

This is the perfect time of year to learn how to make this treat — the weather is still chilly enough to make you want to curl up with your warm pastry and good book. If you’re looking to gain a resume booster over the break, look no further. According to a highly-biased study I conducted in my kitchen, 10/10 employers will hire you if you bring these to your interview. A bonus of this recipe: it uses a lot of chocolate and only takes an hour to make. 



• ½ cup brown sugar

• ½ cup white sugar

• 1 tbsp cinnamon

• 1 cup chocolate chips 


• 2 ¼ cups flour 

• 3 tbsps white sugar

• 2 tsps baking powder 

• 3 tbsps softened, salted butter

• ¾ cups milk

• 1 egg


1. Turn the oven to 400 degrees 

2. Whisk dry dough ingredients (flour, white sugar and baking powder) together

3. Work in butter with your hands 

4. Mix wet dough ingredient (milk and egg) in separate bowl

5. Slowly add wet ingredients to dry while stirring

6. Flour a surface well (this is a wet dough) 

and roll into a ¼ inch thick rectangle 

7. Melt two tbsps of butter and brush on top of dough 

8. Combine filling ingredients into bowl and spread half of mixture onto dough

9. Flour hands and carefully roll dough 

10. Brush a 9×9 baking dish with melted butter and spread remaining half of filling mixture on bottom of baking dish 

11. Cut rolled dough into 15-18 pieces

12. Place pieces in baking dish and bake 20-25 minutes or until browned 

13. Let cool and top with icing of choice (or no icing — these are pretty tasty already!) 


dessert, Lifestyle, recipe

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