Kickin' it with Krief

Last Friday night, Patrick Krief and his similarly-named band, Krief, ventured from Montreal to play Clark Hall Pub. The atmosphere was relaxed, yet the audience was nothing short of enthusiastic. 

Complementing Krief’s more conventional rock sound was Fleece, a hip psychedelic jazz-rock band also based in Montreal. 

Krief’s textured rock ballads, even if unfamiliar, can evoke the same feelings of nostalgia as your favourite oldies. The frontman has a casual demeanour, a dry sense of humour, and a clear passion for making music. 

Prior to the show, The Journal sat down with Patrick Krief to discuss his influences, writing process and why he wouldn’t want to collaborate with John Lennon.   

Q: Who are some artists that inspire you?

A: The most inspiration I have taken from anyone is from The Beatles. However, it’s a pretty long list, ranging from classical music to Ray Charles, Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan. Most of the stuff is old.

Q: Is there a general message behind your music?

A: I wouldn’t say that there’s a general message. It’s more about expressing myself through lyrics and using that as therapy. I hope that I can connect with people that are experiencing similar things to me.

Q: What is your writing process like?

A: It usually starts with music. I start with a couple of chords on guitar or piano. Then, the music starts coming together and I hear vocals and melodies and start stacking it on. Once I have a clear direction for the song, melodically and structurally, I start thinking about which words need to fit.

Q: If you could collaborate with any artist, dead or alive, who would it be?

A: I usually say John Lennon, but I feel like it may be a horrible mistake to collaborate with one of your heroes. So, I probably don’t know that person yet. Maybe Bob Dylan. I wouldn’t write any lyrics, see what he does, and have my mind blown.

Q: What is the best part about being a musician?

A: The best part of being a musician is having an outlet. Having a tool for expression that isn’t language. Also, I’ve met so many interesting people. Most people I meet in this industry are not linear thinkers. You see a lot of similar characters, but everybody is unique and interesting.

Q: When did you start writing music?

A: I starting writing pretty much as soon as I had a guitar. Maybe even before that. I was always coming up with melodies and songs in my head. Getting an instrument was just a way to make that official. I always knew I wanted to be a musician.

Q: Has your taste in music changed over the years?

A: My taste in music has been pretty consistent throughout my life. I discovered The Beatles when I was really young, like two, three years old, and I still listen to them. The music I listened to growing up is still the music I appreciate the most. I’ve broadened my horizons a bit, but the music I find most pleasing is still the same.

Q: What song can you listen to over and over again?

A: I can listen to “Heroes” by David Bowie over and over again. It ends and you’re like, ‘I could do that again.’

Q: What’s the best part about living in Montreal?

A: At this point, because there are a lot of cons to living in Montreal, I guess the best part is the cheap rent, which is really handy. The general standard of living is pretty great. There’s also great culture, great art, and great food.

Q: What’s it like to make music with your other band members?

A: They each have their own way of enriching and interpreting the music. It’s not really something militant or directed. Everybody has the right instinct and it’s been really fun seeing these songs come to life.


artist profile, Clark Hall, Krief, Patrick Krief

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