Kingston Police and City Bylaw enforcement respond to 50 noise complaints

On Sept. 18, the Kingston Police and City of Kingston Bylaw Enforcement published a press release detailing charges laid in the University District. Under the University District Safety Initiative (UDSI), public safety remains priority and all streets are required to be kept clear and open for traffic and emergency responders. 
Last Friday, the police responded to a total of 50 noise complaints in the University District.
Kingston Police have charged a total of 38 Liquor Licence Act offences and two Criminal Code offences. They made a total of four arrests. 
Among the penalties were 12 for aggravated nuisance parties, seven for amplified sound, and one for yelling/shouting. 
“This is an unprecedented period with students returning to campus and classes for the first time in almost a year-and-a-half while still in the midst of a pandemic. And while many of the students and partygoers have been respectful we have also seen an increase in belligerent, non-compliant, aggressive and even assaultive behaviour towards our members,” Sergeant Steve Koopman stated in the press release. 
Koopman said that the Kingston Police “hope these examples encourage some introspection on the part of students.” 
“Some of these individuals have turned a simple liquor or bylaw offence into a criminal arrest and charge due to their actions. To see our members disrespected and concerned for their personal safety during these events is discouraging.” 

by-law, Kingston Police, Law Enforcement

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