Five ways to make grilled cheese

Grilled cheese is probably one of the most popular comfort foods amongst university students. It’s easy, quick and incredibly satisfying. But how many times have you settled for the simple cheddar and white bread combo? You deserve a new twist on a classic, or maybe five. Welcome to the future of the grilled cheese. It’s sometimes sweet, sometimes savoury, and always still filled with warm and gooey goodness.

Bacon and cheese

Three words: bacon, cheese and butter. It’s absolutely sinful, decadent and not at all part of your New Year’s resolution diet. Add a tablespoon of butter in a pan and turn it on to medium-high. As the butter’s melting, put some classic cheddar cheese between two slices of toast and wrap it in bacon. Put four bacon strips around each side and you’ve got yourself a mouth-watering treat.


This recipe calls for the sweetness of caramelized bananas and Nutella combined with the slightly tart taste of goat cheese. It’s probably one of the most delicious and artery-clogging things I’ve ever consumed. Melt some butter in a pan with brown sugar and half a banana. When the banana starts to get mushy in the middle with a slight tan on the outside, put them on some toast with Nutella and goat cheese. Butter the outside of your sandwich and put it in the pan until you get a nice crispy exterior.  

Sweet potatoast

When you’re craving grilled cheese, but are looking for a healthy alternative, it’s time to cut out the bread and get creative. Thinly slice a sweet potato the long way and put about a teaspoon of olive oil in the pan. Layer a little goat cheese and pesto between the two slices of sweet potato. Wait for your oil to heat up and let it cook on medium-high. If your potato isn’t soft enough when the outside has started to crisp, microwave it for 30 seconds on each side. This will soften the sweet potato into more of a mash if you prefer it to be softer. This healthy alternative tastes so good, you wouldn’t even know it’s grilled cheese.

Caramelized onions

Nothing can top the sweetness and acidity of a perfectly caramelized onion. That is, nothing besides this grilled cheese. Coat some onion slices in olive oil and sprinkle brown sugar on top. Fry on medium heat until your kitchen smells delicious and your onions are golden brown. Slather your sweet onions onto some toast and top with pesto and brie cheese. Close your sandwich with that last bread slice and melt some butter and rosemary in a pan. Fry ’er up until she’s golden brown and sink your teeth into this upgraded comfort food. (Warning: your kitchen will smell like onions for a solid 24 hours, but it’s worth it.)

Be prepeared

A sweet and savoury twist on a salty classic, this sandwich is an elegant grilled cheese you could serve at any dinner party. Not only does it come across as sophisticated, it’s extremely simple to make. Melt a tablespoon of butter with a teaspoon of brown sugar and soak some pear slices on a frying pan on medium-high until they become crispy. Layer them between two slices of toast with mango chutney and some brie. Butter up the toast, like you would with a classic grilled cheese, and throw it in the frying pan. Wait for the golden brown crisp and voila: a sandwich fit for royalty.

Campus cooking, grilled cheese, recipe, sandwich

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