New Rector to be elected in October

The 38th Rector of Queen’s University will be elected by students in October.

The Rector serves a three-year term from the date of their election and must, among other responsibilities, represent students at Senate and Board of Trustee meetings.

The election of a new rector comes amidst the resignation of Sam Hiemstra, ArtSci ’21, who was elected to the position in May 2020.

“The [election] process is set out in four major events. Nominations, validation, campaigning and voting,” the AMS rector guide states.

The nomination period will be open Sept. 11 to 15. 

According to the nomination package, candidates must obtain the signatures of one per cent of AMS and SGPS student members, as well as submit a $100 deposit.

Once the nomination period closes, candidates will be validated at AMS Assembly on Sept. 21. Following this, campaigning will commence on Sept. 23, with the all-candidates’ debate taking place on Sept. 28. 

The campaign period is scheduled to end on Sept. 30, after which the election will be held over two days beginning Oct. 1 and continuing until Oct. 2 at 8 p.m. EST. 

Rector, Rector election

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