Study Spots On Campus

By Trilby Goouch
Blogs Editor

Say hello to that exam lifestyle we revert to twice a year; sweatpants, caffeine, movie nights and, of course, dedicated, thorough review. Studying, however, is that much more of a task when you don’t have the right study environment; without the right atmosphere, those hours dedicated to review may prove to be ineffective. I was always under the impression that it’s best to find a spot that works for you and dedicate that space to your review sessions, however I found out from the Learning Strategies centre that it’s best and more effective to switch up your study location, with the idea that it may provide some stimulation each time you approach the subject. Here are a few places on campus and in Kingston to help see you through the next three weeks!

If you like some background noise…

People seem to either love or hate studying at Starbucks; one way to get your coffee fix and maintain focus is to wear a pair of earplugs. Don’t forget to register your Starbucks card so you can enjoy those free refills. Get there early with your laptop charged as tables and outlets are few and far between.

The Sleepless Goat
A relaxed, quieter alternative to Starbucks; make a day out of it and order lunch off of their delicious and healthy menu.

Common Ground
A great atmosphere for studying in a group, although you’ll likely run into a lot of familiar faces that may prove to be distracting. Top-secret bagel optional.

If you’re looking for a quieter atmosphere…

The Princess St. Indigo once housed a Starbucks, however with the new location opening beside it they closed it down. There are, however, still plenty of tables and chairs to study at, as well as holiday music and lots of daylight.

Ban Righ cafeteria
Not only do you get the natural light and long tables, but you also get access to coffee, tea, hot chocolate and lots of food. Stay too long and they might kick you out, but sitting it out for two meals is definitely doable.

Botterall Hall
The quiet atmosphere, round tables and lack of cell service make this is the perfect spot to get some serious focused study time in. Take a study break and head to the Boterall café for some seriously good eats.

The BioSci atrium
The atrium boasts lots of natural light, a Tim Hortons and a study room at the top of the stairs on the second floor with both tables and comfy couches to study on.

John Orr room, JDUC
If you’re in need of a chalkboard or whiteboard to practice reciting material or performing math equations, this is the perfect spot.

Queen’s Centre third floor
The third floor of the Queen’s Centre is quiet and boasts lots of tables and chairs. Its close proximately to Tim Hortons, Common Ground and the bulk food station at the campus grocery store make it an ideal study location; be weary come noon as that’s when nearby highschoolers raid for lunch.

If you want to be close to extra help…

If you’re an economics major you’ll likely know of the third floor library-esque room used for tutorial sessions; if not, check it out! It’s quiet and close to the prof offices which is great if you’ve got some pressing questions.

Math help room in Jeffrey Hall (basement)
For all you math majors or first-year calc students, this is a great classroom-like environment where you can work on math questions with the help of a TA.

The undergraduate lounge in the KIN building
Though this is reserved for health/KIN/Phys-Ed majors, the couches, microwave, big tables and bright windows make for a great study resource where you can work close with fellow faculty students.

If you like the library atmosphere…

Douglas Library
Standard. The “Harry Potter” room is a nice atmosphere to study and promises lots of peace and quiet.

Law Library (Beside Dunning and across from Stauffer)
The law library houses quite a few basement rooms that are spacious and full of long tables where you can park yourself and enjoy peace and quiet.

Stauffer Library
Standard, although you’ll want to get there early; seats fill up fast!

Good luck and happy studying!

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