How Do You Celebrate Autumn At Queen's?

By Trilby Goouch
Blogs Editor

We’re a couple of days away from it officially being fall (that being September 22nd). Fall jackets are making their first appearances, leaves are changing colour, and campus is developing that familiar fall golden glow. The change in weather isn’t the only thing people can look forward to, with events like football games, Frosh Week festivities and Thanksgiving, the time seems to signify nostalgia for many. I asked students around campus what this exciting season at Queen’s means to them.

Football. Whether it’s watching the Gaels play Western at the stadium or watching NFL on a cramped couch, Queen’s sports fans know that autumn means bringing out the jerseys and devoting Sunday afternoons to football.

Bbq-ing. BBQs are a favourite way to hang out with neighbours and friends and enjoy those big backyards. Eating burgers in your Queen’s gear on the porch of your ghetto house is the epitome of autumn at Queen’s. For those of you who don’t own a BBQ, the pier is a great spot to take your group. The built-in BBQ’s are conveniently located overlooking the water.

Homecoming. Official or not, every September marks the (faux) coming festivities at Queen’s; students get decked out in red, gold and blue face paint and don their tricolour gear for the much-anticipated football game. Friends come up for the weekend, the weather is perfect for backyard get-togethers, and the bustle of the ghetto puts everyone in a spirited, nostalgic mood.

Queen’s Outdoors Club camping trip. Autumn weather is ideal for camping, and the Outdoors Club overnight trips are the perfect way to get experience the fresh autumn air amongst the changing leaves. A lot of students have gone and loved it, meeting new faces (particularly exchange students) early on in the year.

Starbucks pumpkin spiced latte. Any Starbucks fan (which constitutes the majority of Queen’s students) can vouch that autumn brings a return to the beloved pumpkin spiced latte and scone; many of you found yourselves anticipating that spicy, nutmeg taste all summer. In fact, you liked it so much that there was a Kingston wide shortage last week!

Porch downtime. A lot of Kingston student houses have big porches that act as an additional room, sans dirty carpet. Walk down any street near campus and you’ll be sure to spot lots of students hanging out on their porches, listening to music, playing guitar, eating dinner and relaxing with friends.

Farmer’s market. When Wolfe Island Bakery starts displaying its pumpkin pies and apple crisps, you know it’s that time of the year. The abundance of fall vegetables is the perfect excuse to make a big hearty stew.

Hanging out by the pier. We all know how cold the pier can get come November, and Queen’s students know how to take advantage of the early autumn temperatures by throwing around a Frisbee or studying by the water. No Queen’s experience is complete without spending an afternoon at the pier.

Are there any fall traditions or events that you’ll look back on with nostalgia? If so, let us know in the comments.

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