News in brief

Federal budget continues investment into research, while cutting youth program

The federal budget released on March 29 looks to invest in research at universities, but also cuts beneficial youth programs.

Steven Liss, vice-principal of research, said the federal budget makes a strong statement about the government’s confidence in universities.

“There is certainly a strong statement on the prominence of basic foundational research and international world-class research, but at the same time the role that universities play in supporting innovation through partnerships,” Liss said.

The $37 million in annual investments outlined in the federal budget will help to continue Queen’s research reputation.

“We continue to do well and to focus our strengths and the diverse range of research in all areas including health, social sciences, humanities, the arts, sciences and engineering,” Liss said.

Cuts to youth programs were also included in the budget.

Katimavik – a youth volunteer service program started in 1977 and funded by the Canadian government – has been stopped immediately, meaning the 2012-13 program which was supposed to begin in September is cancelled.

“Without a program like this, youth won’t get exposed to critical thinking and given the hands-on experience and common sense learning that goes together with the knowledge that we learn in the classroom,” former participant Alyssa Chin, ArtSci ’12, said.

Other cuts in the budget include an end to the penny, which is projected to save the government $11 million per year, and the laying off of 12,000 government employees over three years.

– Rosie Hales

House fire in Student Ghetto

A Kingston Police report released on April 1 indicated that a house near Division and Earl Streets was set on fire around 2 a.m. on Saturday, March 3. Ted Posedowski, the fire inspector assigned to the case, said the fire was “suspicious.”

The five tenants of the 72 Division St. home said they were told by Posedowski that the fire started in the front door’s mail-box slit. The fire damaged the front area of the house and caused smoke to rise to the second floor. Posedowski said he couldn’t confirm whether the fire was caused by arson.

None of the residents were home when the fire started. However, a cat was left in a second-floor bedroom and had to receive medical attention.

“Almost everything in our rooms was covered in soot,” Cindy Kwong, ArtSci ’14, said. “Our staircase leads to the front door where the fire started. If we were home we wouldn’t have been able to get out.”

The tenants weren’t allowed to re-enter their home until renovations were completed in late March. The tenants say they plan to take their landlord, Wayne Gollogly, to small-claims court over emotional damages.

“We literally spent over $1,500 in hotel fees, moving all of our stuff, and replacing all our food,” Kwong said.

Gollogly could not be reached for comment following the fire.

The fire is currently under investigation by Kingston Police.

Kingston Police is urging those who witnessed or have knowledge of the event to come forward and contact the department at 613-549-4660.

– Vincent Matak (with files from Clare Clancy)

Alumnus establishes endowment

An Engineering alumnus has established The Hazell Endowment in Chemical Design and Innovation, a fund that will go towards innovation and chemical design.

Evan Hazell, Sci ’81, is a petroleum engineer and an investment banker. Through his endowment fund, he wants to see a melding of the science and business worlds.

Dean of Engineering and Applied Science Kimberly Woodhouse said this donation will put graduates ahead of the curve.

The funding will go towards a research professorship as well new innovation programming.

– Sean Renaud

New Masters program planned

Queen’s has added a new graduate program to its course offerings for September.

The creation of a Master of Science in Health-care Quality, Risk and Safety program was passed at the March 27 Senate meeting.

Dr. Jennifer Medves, vice-dean of the School of Nursing said the program is fairly unique.

“We want really good quality health care and we need to revolutionize how we give care and this is the kind of program that we hope is going to get the minds to be thinking together about how they can do things differently,” Medves said.

The program is run through the School of Nursing and the department of anesthesiology.

This two-year graduate program is mostly completed online with the exception of one week on Queen’s campus in September and one week in January.

“The real appeal for it is that this is a program that is interdisciplinary, inter-professional so students will learn from and will teach others about their own discipline or profession and they’ll learn others’ disciplines and professions and they really will be looking and reading and writing about a topic that is dear to all of our hearts,” Medves said.

The degree proposal was passed with a majority vote in Senate. Senators had five days to look over the proposal document.

– Rachel Herscovici

Student to bike 8,000 kilometers

On May 15, Ira Carson will fly to British Columbia with his brother and a friend to begin an 8,000-kilometre bike ride from Victoria to St. John’s, N.L. in an effort to raise money for the Easter Seals Camp in Merrywood.

“The actual distance isn’t 8,000 kilometres, but we plan on cycling 8,000 kilometres because we want to stop and visit lots of small cool places but we’re also going to get lost along the way,” Carson, ArtSci’ 12, said.

8,000 kilometres for Easter Seals aims to cover the distance in 13 weeks and raise $8,000, a dollar for each kilometre travelled. All proceeds will be donated to the camp, in particular the accessible sailing program which uses specially-modified sailing boats for those otherwise unable to sail.

– Asad Chishti

Brief, in, News

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