Letter to the editor

Dear Editors,

We’d really like to give credit where credit is due. On Saturday, Jan. 28 our 12-year-old son had the day of his life. He took part in the Winter Adaptive Games (WAG) held at Queen’s University and organized by Queen’s Kinesiology, Rehab and Physical Health and Education students.

The day was very well organized, full of energetic and caring students who challenged our son with an assortment of sporting events from basketball to swimming and even threw in a horse-drawn hay ride.

The students went above and beyond to make every one of the participants forget about their own disabilities and just have fun! Not only did they thrill them with the full day of planned activities, they also provided snacks, drinks, lunch and a surprise package with a picture of their “buddy” at the end of day.

We would like to thank organizer Jasmin Ma for allowing the late entry of our son and her understanding and encouraging email to a “momma bear.” A special thank you to Jacob Bonafiglia, a.k.a. “Big J,” for being so terrific with Jarred and providing such a great experience for our son that he now wants to participate every Saturday!

My son still giggles about a female lion named Anabelle who kept a careful watch on him or the other way around. Every one of those students did a magnificent job providing a safe, exciting day. See you next year!

Nicole and Mark Major
Bath, Ont.

Letters, Winter Adaptive Games

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