Artwork found in alley

Part of Matt Rogalsky’s artwork from his exhibit at Swamp Ward Window has been found in alley near 448 Bagot St.

Rogalsky’s exhibit, Flying V Down, explored the history and culture of the electric guitar, with a replica of a Gibson Flying V piercing the ground at the outdoor gallery. The guitar and its concrete base were stolen on Monday night, but found this morning near Swamp Ward Window.

“Only the concrete base and the embedded neck of the guitar were found,” Rogalsky said to the Journal via email. “The body of the guitar was unbolted from the neck and is still missing.”

The missing piece of artwork was discovered by a neighbour of the outdoor gallery. Swamp Ward Window curator Jocelyn Purdie notified Rogalsky of the discovery by email Thursday morning.

“I’m guessing the culprit must be a guitar player, who thought they could make use of the parts,” Rogalksy said. “Either that, or someone thought they could make a little money by re-selling the pickups, etc.”

Rogalsky said he may find rest of the artwork back when the thief realizes the guitar doesn’t work. Rogalsky treated the guitar with chemicals to weatherproof it for its outdoor exhibition.

Rogalsky didn’t disclose the cost of the guitar, but estimated he would sell the art piece for at least $1000.

“The Swamp Ward window is not far from some pretty economically depressed areas of [Kingston’s] North End, and there are a lot of people around with habits to support,” he said. “Petty theft is a relatively common occurrence in that vicinity.”

Rogalsky said he is unsure if he will replace the exhibit with the recovered pieces of the guitar.

“I have considered putting the neck of the guitar back on display,” he said, “maybe with a note directly beside it to request return of the other pieces, no questions asked.”

Art, Flying V, Flying V Down, Matt Rogalsky, Stole, Swamp Ward Window

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