News in brief

Parliament approves size reduction

Last month, the Board of Trustees and University Council received Parliamentary approval to shrink their membership.

Over the next three years, the Board of Trustees will be reduced from 44 to 25 members—something University Secretary Georgina Moore said will increase its effectiveness and efficiency.

University Council is currently comprised of 116 elected alumni, 44 Board of Trustees members, and 71 Senate members. These three bodies govern the university.

“This is an extremely large body,” Moore said. “Council could, in the future, redesign itself and change its composition.”

Though both bodies will experience significant reductions, Moore said members are not being fired.

“Everyone will finish out the term they are now in,” she said, adding that the roles of members won’t be affected.

Though the phase-out plan for the Board of Trustees is in place, Moore said the reduction of University Council has yet to be determined.

“Council is not at the same place,” she said.

In May 2010, Queen’s decided to begin the process of changing its charter. Because Queen’s was created under a Royal Charter, the only way it can be amended is through federal approval.

This will be the eighth time Queen’s has amended its Charter since the University was founded in 1841.

­—Katherine Fernandez-Blance

Professors honoured by Canada

Two Queen’s professors have received Canada’s highest civilian honour after being inducted into the Order of Canada.

Dr. Alvaro Morales and Dr. John Bradford have been appointed members by Governor General David Johnston. They will be awarded insignia in an upcoming ceremony.

Morales, a professor emeritus of urology has been recognized world-wide for his research on the treatment of bladder cancer and sexual dysfunction.

After joining Queen’s department of urology in 1972, Morales became head of the department, managed important clinical trials and founded the Centre of Applied Urological Research.

Bradford is currently a professor in the department of psychiatry and is renowned for his work on mentally ill criminal offenders. His research focuses on sexual behaviour as it relates to crime as well as most areas of forensic psychiatry.

The Order of Canada recognizes a lifetime of outstanding achievement, dedication to the community and service to the nation. Morales and Bradford are among 136 Canadians to receive the honour this year.

—Catherine Owsik

Research funds awarded to Queen’s

An Ontario Research Fund program has awarded Queen’s researchers Patrick Martin and Brant Peppley more than $4.8 million for their projects over the next five years.

Martin’s team received around $3.3 million to put towards to the development of super computers and sophisticated software systems, which could impact the future of e-banking.

Peppley received around $1.5 million for a project called Energy Storage and Recovery Ontario. It focuses on technologies in the field of solar and wind power management.

The province-wide Research Excellence program is currently supporting over 1,800 researchers.

—Meaghan Wray

Engineering professor wins award

Brian Frank, associate professor in the department of electrical and computer engineering, was recently awarded the Chancellor A. Charles Baillie Teaching Award.

This honour is given to professors who promote higher quality education beyond classroom experience.

Frank, ArtSci ’97 and MSc ’99, worked as an educational development faculty associate with the Centre for Teaching and Learning.

He worked at the centre for three years, focusing on alternative teaching strategies.

Frank uses unique teaching methods, such as in-class activities, team projects, educational technology and a multimedia learning module.He also emphasizes the importance of community service for students.

—Meaghan Wray

Brief, in, News

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