AMS Executive Team hires Senior Management

The incoming AMS Executive team, consisting of President Auston Pierce, Vice-President (Operations) Jessica Dahanayake, and Vice-President (Student Affairs) William Greene, have assembled their senior management team.
According to Director of Communications Rachael Heleniak, the incoming AMS Executive organized Senior Management to comprise a government caucus and a corporate caucus. The government caucus includes Directors and Commissioners, whereas the corporate caucus consists of the Service Head Managers.
In the government caucus, they hired Lucas Borchenko as Secretary of Internal Affairs, 
Alexia Henriques as Commissioner of Campus Activities, David Bath as Commissioner of External Affairs, Bunisha Samuels as Commissioner of Social Issues, Scott Schrempf as Director of Clubs, Chauntae De Gannes as Director of Sponsorship and Alumni, Brendan Robson as Director of Communications, Bronwyn Greenhalgh as Director of Human Resources, and Zachary Slater as Director of Information Technology. 
In the corporate caucus, they hired Parker Quast as Head Manager of Queen’s Student Constables, Evan Gage as Head Manager of TAPS, Andry Asoh as Head Manager of the Student Life Centre, Bilal Shaikh as Head Manager of Walkhome, Gretha Conrads as Head Manager of Common Ground, Andie Rexdiemer as Head Manager of the Peer Support Centre, Nicole Langfield as Head Manager of Tricolour Outlet, Keshan Surendran as Head Manager of StudioQ, and Jordan Greene as Head Manager of P&CC.
According to Pierce, candidates were selected based on a combination of talent, intelligence, passion, and commitment.
“We are confident that our team will help progress the AMS forward,” Pierce said in an email to The Journal. “We envision next year as an opportunity to reposition the AMS as a student government here to listen, to be creative and up to the challenges ahead. Our Commissioners, Directors, Managers, and Supervisors are a reflection of this belief.”
Moreover, Pierce said there is “ample opportunity to [create, build, and improve the AMS and its services] despite the restrictions that the Student Choice Initiative has imposed upon student governments in this province.”
Team AJW will continue with plans to “redesign the AMS” as a government tailored to the needs of the student body and deliver their “ambitious plans and policy goals.” 
Pierce credits the current Executive team for the smooth transition in leadership, as they have consistently consulted AJW in decisions pertinent to next year.
“We’ll continue to keep student interests, health, safety, inclusivity, and engagement at the core of our planning,” Pierce said. “I’m confident May 1 will signal a relatively seamless transition and we’ll be able to hit the ground running.”
Incoming Vice-President (Operations) Dahanayake also affirmed the team’s optimism and enthusiasm about the upcoming year.
“Our Senior Management team is passionate about improving student life and pushing the AMS forward. I’m confident they’ll face each challenge thrown at them and take their portfolios to new heights in our term,” Dahanayake said in an email to The Journal. She listed their “diverse set of perspectives and excitement” as two primary assets of the new team.
In light of more recent information about the Student Choice Initiative and its impact on AMS operations, Dahanayake offered reassurance to the student body.
“While these challenges are inevitable, we plan to tackle them with a motivated outlook that has the student’s best interests and concerns in mind,” Dahanayake said. “It’s going to be a term full of growing pains and adjustments for the AMS, and I cannot wait to face them head-on.”
Furthermore, Dahanayake wants the student body to know the Executive is listening to their concerns throughout the changes the AMS is experiencing.   
“We’d love to hear everything you have to say. Don’t be afraid to drop us a line at any time,” Dahanayake said.
Incoming Vice-President (Student Affairs) Greene stressed the importance of collaboration and optimism among the incoming Senior Management team.
“When approaching hiring, [we] wanted to put together a team of individuals who’ll not only embrace each other and upcoming challenges with a positive attitude, but also constantly challenge themselves to explore new initiatives,” Greene said in an email to The Journal
As they receive more information pertaining to the Student Choice Initiative, Team AJW will continue to advocate to the provincial government on behalf of their peers. 
“It’s without question the AMS faces a unique challenge, unlike obstacles of the past,” Greene said. In preparing to deal with financial constraints, Greene credits the current AMS Executive for their enthusiasm and dedication in providing “the best transition possible” for the incoming team.
Greene added AJW continues to sit in on regular meetings with Vice-President (Student Affairs) Munro Watters alongside the rest of the Executive. They’ve also sat in with the Board of Directors, Administration, and student groups.
“Despite limitations from the Student Choice Initiative, we’re excited to get creative and work towards achieving the goals set out in our platform and in our consultations with students across campus,” Greene said.


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