Dringo Starr DJ’s ’80s dance party

If you’re looking for a dance party this Thursday, try the Brooklyn.

The craft-beer joint will transform into a ‘80s dance floor as Needless Love Endorsement and Dringo Starr take over the sound system.

The event will also feature a guest DJ set from members of Busty and the Bass performing as Dringo Starr.

In town for the Fall for Kingston hospice event, drummer Julian Trivers and trombone player Chris Vincent are bringing their electro-jazz duo Dringo Starr to the Brooklyn for the first time. 

Decked out in swim caps, goggles and rain ponchos, the musicians’ side project is a wildly good time.

“We have more freedom to do ridiculous drum and bass, ’80s disco—whatever we want. We just kind of go with it and write a bunch of music and put on crazy costumes,” Trivers told The Journal in a phone interview.

Being members of a successful band with a growing fan base can be time consuming. But Trivers said Dringo Starr is an opportunity for him and Vincent to be creative with their time off.

“It’s difficult to stay dormant in those free periods and Dringo’s been a nice outlet between shows. We can just do whatever we want, we don’t have to think about it being for Busty. With Busty, there’s a lot more pressure. We really have to think about what we want to say, it has to go through the filter of eight people,” Trivers said.

“With Dringo, it’s a lot more free time, there’s only two people involved. It’s a really fun project.”

That seems to be the guiding principle for the duo.

It’s the kind of silly pastime your high school friends would do instead of homework. The only difference is your friends aren’t professionally trained musicians with top-notch production equipment.

The result is a quality selection of outgoing music with grooving baselines and wild drums.

Songs like “House in a House,” and “Feel Good,” have psychedelic, nonsensical lyrics with electro-jazz instrumentals that encapsulate the carefree, dance vibe of Dringo Starr.

Those two songs’ music videos—with a few dozen views apiece—are hilariously trippy nonsense. With animation ripped from the ’90s, they provide further evidence that Dringo Starr is in it for a good time.

For Trivers and Vincent, their goal on Thursday is to share that good time with the audience.

“We’re going to play certain songs that we’re really into but then add a live element to them—like adding horns to certain tracks, or having a beat that we enjoy and then having someone solo over it. It’s definitely going to be more than just us playing music, it’s going to be a bit of a mesh between live music and DJ-ing,” Trivers said.

Vincent and Trivers anticipate a quality night at the Brooklyn.

“We’re happy to be playing. Kingston has always been our second hometown, I would say [it’s] always our rowdiest shows,” Trivers said.

Busty and the Bass, Dringo Starr, the brooklyn

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