Queen’s student arrested a second time in poisoning case

On Apr. 12, Kingston Police arrested a Queen’s graduate student who was charged for poisoning his colleague and former roommate back in January.

After police were called to campus on Jan. 29, officers arrested a 25-year-old man and charged him with administering noxious chemical and assault with a weapon. Though police contested his release at the accused’s bail hearing, he was released by the court on his own recognizance.

On the same day as his arrest, video was recorded of the accused “administering a clear substance near the victim’s lunch.”

According to the original press release, “the victim also recalled experiencing a bitter taste in his food over the past few weeks.” In addition, the victim told police at the time that his water had “a chemical taste and smell.” 

At the time, the victim sought medical attention as a result of this incident.

On Apr. 5, a forensic report about the case was completed and given to police. According to a statement, the report’s findings were “extremely concerning.” 

“The noxious substances found in the victim’s water, food and the containers were considered highly volatile with varying dangerous side effects and purposes,” the statement read.

The report found that one substance used in the poisonings has “no known commercial use in North America,” and is “cancer causing and known to be lethal.”

Another substance found by the report is “used as a solvent and found in some commercial products used as a starting fluid for diesel and gasoline engines.”

In light of the findings, police have slapped the student with two additional charges. According to a statement, the accused is now charged with administering noxious chemical, assault with a weapon, aggravated assault, and criminal negligence causing bodily harm.

The accused was arrested at his place of residence on Apr. 12 and is currently in custody awaiting a second bail hearing.

The Journal will update this story as more information becomes available.

Kingston Police

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