A guide to the perfect movies to watch while legally high

This week comes with many blessings: midterms winding down, friends visiting for Homecoming, and, of course, Canada’s legalization of marijuana.

Whether you’re trying weed for the first time or are familiar with the drug, one of the best ways to enhance your high experience is watching movies. Here are some recommendations for when you and your housemates cuddle up on the couch and indulge in legally acceptable weed.

Watch Moana if you miss the beach

There’s nothing quite like the picturesque view of Moana sailing the ocean seas and the soothing sound of Dwayne Johnson’s voice to trick yourself into thinking you’re on a beach. While high, there’s no better narrative than the spiritual journey of Moana

Moana takes everything great about a Disney princess movie and puts it against the backdrop of a tropical island. Sit back, relax, and try to forget that it will be 10 degrees and possibly raining on Homecoming.

For extra points, take a drag of your joint every time the water comes alive. We realize this makes no sense out of context—which is why you need to watch the movie.  

Watch Sausage Party if you want to get wacky

You can’t go wrong with Sausage Party

This movie is technically terrible—feeling a little high makes it less terrible. Animated hot dogs and tacos making crude jokes suddenly become Oscar-worthy and make you completely forget your troubles from the real world, like your hand being wrist-deep in a container of Kraft peanut butter. 

Becoming emotionally invested in a narrative centered on grocery store products realizing their life’s purpose ultimately leads to their demise is truly an experience like no other. But with the calming effects of weed on your side, I promise you’ll get through it. 

Watch Pineapple Express if you’re feeling adventurous 

Seth Rogen, who proves not all heroes wear capes, perfected the stoner comedy with Pineapple Express

While it may not sound like it, two idiot stoners finding themselves in the midst of a marijuana-related death crime investigation is exactly what you’ll want to see high. The entire movie is basically one long conversation between two friends sitting on a couch and throwing ridiculous ideas back and forth. 

You’ll get the consistent urge over the course of the film to wash James Franco’s hair—but don’t worry, the deadpan one-liners and absurd events will be the perfect distraction.

Watch Sky High if you need a pick-me-up

If you’re feeling like a sidekick, or a little blue, this Disney superhero movie gem will lift you up. 

Sky High is set at a school that teaches teenagers how to be superheroes and sidekicks, and is filled with great action scenes and comedic relief. 

While the high-budget effects of Marvel movies might be too overwhelming in your current state, Sky High packs in all the action with double the fun. The movie is ridiculously entertaining and will have your altered mind fully engaged throughout its entirety.

Watch Inception if you want to get lost

Here’s the wildcard—Inception. This one’s a wild ride, and likely not suitable for the still-adapting minds of rookie smokers. Inception’s premise—a science fiction analysis of our reality’s relation to our dreams—makes for a rollercoaster. A benefit of watching this movie high is it’ll actually make a lot more sense to you than if you watch it sober. 

Beware of the film’s jolting moments, like when Marion Cotillard jumps out of a window. Its disturbing because you’ll be stoned, and also because she’s a sensational Oscar-winning actress who sells the big fall eerily well.

Do not watch…

Now that you know what you should watch, here’s a quick list of films to avoid at all costs while you are under marijuana’s influence. Don’t watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory because incurable munchies will take over, or The Revenant because that bear attack will stop your heart. The Truman Show will convince your already paranoid self that you’re being watched. 

With these suggestions and warnings in mind, sit back, relax, and don’t for even one second think about that deadline you missed earlier today.

Marijuana, marijuana legalization, movie recommendations

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