A wicked treat

We all have that friend who shows up to a potluck with an extravagantly decorated masterpiece that puts your Pillsbury Halloween cookies to shame. 
With the spookiest and sweetest holiday of the year just around the corner, it’s time you swap that pre-made Pillsbury cookie dough for a wicked new treat, the Nutella fudge brownie with a Halloween twist. 
These brownies require only three ingredients, one of them being Nutella. There’s literally no way to do the recipe wrong — short of eating all of the batter before you can put it in the oven. 
Heads-up: this batter includes eggs so stick to spooning Nutella out of the jar. These brownies are chewy and the chocolate glaze used to decorate them with spider-webs add that festive touch.  
1 cup of Nutella 
2 large eggs 
3/4 cups of all-purpose flour 
11 oz bag of semisweet chocolate chips 
1/8 cup of whipping cream
1/2 cup of white icing
1. Preheat oven to 340 degrees 
2. Mix brownie ingredients  
together in a bowl
3. Pour into 8×8 cake pan or 
muffin tin 
4. Bake for 30 minutes in the 
cake pan or 20 in the muffin tin 
or until edges are brown 
1. After letting your brownies cool for 15 to 20 minutes cut them into small squares or circles 
2. Melt whipping cream and chocolate chips in the microwave 20 seconds at a time, stirring the mixture every 20 seconds until smooth
3. Glaze the brownies with the whip cream mixture 
4. Put ½ cup of the white icing in a bowl and microwave for 10 seconds and stir 
5. Put the white icing in corner of a Ziploc bag and cut off the corner
6. Draw a spiral on your brownie 
7. With a sharp-tipped knife draw lines from the center of your brownie to the edges to resemble a spider web

brownies, Campus cooking, Halloween, recipe, sweets, treats

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