Admin aims to link campus with new plan

The University is in the planning stages of a new campus master plan that will outline future development plans as a reflection of a number of construction initiatives on campus.

The plan will act as an updated version of the 2002 campus plan and will address ongoing development concerns at Queen’s, including student housing on and off campus and the construction of new buildings on main and West campuses.

“The Campus Master Plan should be completed by December 2013 and will guide the physical development of Queen’s over time.  The CMP will be regularly reviewed and updated on a five-year cycle,” Vice-Provost and Campus Master Plan Advisory Committee member Jo-Anne Brady told the Journal via email.

A Request for Proposals for a planning partner was issued by CMP’s advisory committee in July.

Brady said the new plan will aim to connect Queen’s various hubs.

“The primary focus of the campus master plan will be on intensification opportunities on the ‘main’ campus and development opportunities on ‘West’ campus while creating linkages among the four learning hubs – main and West campuses, the Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts and Innovation Park,” Brady said.  

Accessibility will also be addressed by the new plan.

“Queen’s has a Queen’s University Comprehensive Strategic Framework for Accessibility which includes a working group on the built environment which will provide advice to the planners on accessibility,” she said.

The planning partner will make proposals for the new campus plan, and the CMP’s advisory committee will oversee and review the proposals according to an integrated planning framework.

The 2002 Campus Plan stipulates principals and strategies for development that include identifying a campus core while integrating buildings and streets to encourage vibrancy on campus.

This included the redevelopment of University Ave. in 2006 in order to accommodate heavy pedestrian traffic by creating wider sidewalks and designated areas for landscape development.

The 2002 plan also saw the creation of the Lazy Scholar in Victoria Hall and Stauffer Cafe, as well as renovations for Gordon Hall, Richardson Hall and McNeil House in 2006 and the erection of the Queen’s Centre, New Medical School and the forthcoming Bader Centre, among other major capital projects.

The decision to create an updated Campus Master Plan came in January after Queen’s senior administration and Board of Trustees noticed the 2002 Campus Plan was outdated and in need of revision.

A preliminary copy of the Campus Master Plan will be made available in September 2013.

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