All-natural hair masks and solutions

Your hair-cleaning regime is about to get a whole lot simpler. You can go au naturel – without the high price of beauty aisle products. Commercial products are also often laden with chemicals. Try out a few of our easy solutions for hydrated, moisturized locks:

Coconut banana hair mask
¼ cup of coconut milk
2 bananas
1 teaspoon of honey
2 tablespoons of coconut oil

Combine ingredients in food processor or by hand. Coat scalp and hair evenly with mixture. Leave on for 30 minutes and then rinse thoroughly.

Yogurt hair mask
One egg white
5-6 tablespoons of yogurt

Combine egg and yogurt until an even consistency is achieved. Leave mixture on hair for 20 minutes then follow with your regular shampoo routine.

In addition to hair masks, your hair can benefit from added maintenance every once in a while. If your hair is especially oily, dry or frizzy, a little attention can alleviate your beauty woes. Inexpensive and effective, these easy additions to your hair cleaning routine will have your hair looking tamed and smooth:

Normal hair
Raw egg: Use a raw egg for the benefits of the yolk and the white. While the yolk is rich in fats and proteins acts as a natural moisturizer, the white with its bacteria-eating enzymes help to remove unwanted oils. Apply egg to clean, damp scalp. Ensure you coat your entire scalp and hair. Rinse with cool water and then continue with regular shampoo and conditioner regime.
Recommended: Every month

Oily hair
Corn starch: Sprinkle corn starch onto dry hair. After 10 minutes, remove by combing product out.
Recommended: Every other day

Dry/brittle hair
Egg yolk, sour cream, olive oil or mayonnaise: Used separately these are effective moisturizing agents.

Dull hair
Yogurt: Milk fat moisturizes hair, while lactic acid gently removes dirt. Massage into hair and let stand for 20 minutes. Follow through with a warm rinse then cold rinse. Continue with your normal shampoo routine.
Recommended: Every two weeks

Vinegar: Use a vinegar rinse to alleviate your dry scalp. Vinegar helps to return scalp and hair to its natural pH level. Leave vinegar on for five minutes then rinse.

Frizzy hair
Avocado: The oils in this fruit help to weigh down hair while also moisturizing it. Using a mashed avocado half, apply to clean, damp hair. Let fruit sit in hair for 15 minutes then rinse. Option: For extra-moisturized hair, add a tablespoon or two of egg yolk, sour cream or mayonnaise.

Lemon juice, olive oil and water: Mix equal parts of each together. The olive oil will moisturize the scalp, while the lemon juice will destroy stray flakes.

These are just a few of our handy suggestions to ensure your locks remain the smoothest. If you’ve got your own tried and true suggestions, we’d love to hear from you!

DIY beauty, hair masks

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