AMS to reimburse some student fees in fall term

As the pandemic continues to affect the delivery of campus services, the AMS has confirmed it will be reducing some of its fees.

The University designated mid-September and mid-January as two points in which the University, the AMS, and the Society of Graduate and Professional Students (SGPS) can readjust their student ancillary fees. 

The SGPS did not respond to a request for comment in time for publication.

According to AMS Vice-President (Operations) Alexandra Samoyloff, the Student Life Centre, AMS Food Bank, The Queen’s Journal, and the Peer Support Centre won’t be readjusting their fees for the September fee adjustment period.

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However, Queen’s Student Constables (QSC) and Walkhome will be providing a rebate back to students. 

The QSC Fee will be reduced from $11.54 to $7.04 and the QSC Admin fee will be reduced from $2.44 to $1.94. 

The Walkhome Fee will be reduced from $17.54 to $12.04 and the Walkhome Admin Fee will be reduced from $4.52 to $3.52.

“The goal with the September rebate is to ensure each service is financially viable for the Winter Term, allowing it to provide the service throughout the year,” Samoyloff wrote in a statement to The Journal.

“It has been confirmed that each student will be rebated $8 for the Fall Semester,” Samoyloff wrote.

Samoyloff said the AMS was required to determine its total readjustment for the September period by Sept. 15, so students will see the adjustment reflect on SOLUS “very soon.”

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The fees will be automatically adjusted in each student’s SOLUS account before tuition is due on Sept. 30. 

“As a not-for-profit, the AMS will ensure each mandatory fee service does not carry a surplus at the end of the fiscal year,” Samoyloff added, explaining that the AMS will reassess all of its fees again in the winter term readjustment period. 

“COVID-19 has many implications on the delivery of AMS services. As public health and University regulations continue to unfold we must continue to adapt to serve our    students best.” 

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AMS, Covid-19, student fees

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