ARC schedules invite complaints

Following recent complaints regarding the ARC’s Lifting Zone, Queen’s Athletics and Recreation has altered its schedule to provide more open time slots.

At the beginning of the fall term, a schedule was posted on the lifting zone that blocked out times into three categories: open, reserved and for “Members Only”.

On weekdays, the lifting zone was reserved or scheduled for members only from 6 a.m. to 1 p.m., followed by a one-hour open slot between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. It was again members only until the open slots began again from 8 p.m. onwards.

Some students posted on the 21,000-member Overheard at Queen’s Facebook group to express their disappointment with the schedule.

Alan Townshend-Carter, ArtSci ’16, found out about the schedule the hard way. He said he was told he couldn’t workout at the Lifting Zone when he arrived, even though he saw only five other people using the equipment.

“The problem is that the reserved times are clearly the optimal high demand times. This forces everyone into the second floor, which isn’t as well equipped and too crowded to be of use,” Townshend-Carter told The Journal via email.

According to him, non-varsity students had been welcome to work out in the area while varsity athletes used the facilities in previous years.

“It was a good system and people would just work [out along] with the athletes,” he said. “The real infuriating part is that the lifting room during varsity time[s] never seems to have more than a dozen athletes and trainers in it.”

“This is unfair for average students looking to get lifting gains.”

Following complaints, Queen’s Athletics and Recreation released a new schedule on Sept. 16.



According to a press release, the new Lifting Zone schedule had been created based on statistics and feedback gathered from the past year.

“Based on this research, it was evident that the Lifting Zone was used by a variety of members/groups with differing program requirements and it was not properly meeting the needs of any group,” the Athletics and Recreation release stated.

The new schedule attempts to better serve members, respond to concerns and make more efficient use of the space, according to the release.

The new schedule only has two time distinctions — “programmed” and open — and provides more open times than the previous schedule.

While the previous schedule have no open morning slots during the week, the new schedule has open times on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, before 10 a.m. Mondays and Wednesdays, however, are still booked from 6 a.m. until 11 a.m.

Even with the new schedule, some students say they still feel the times are restrictive.

Brian Rowlands, PheKin ’16, is on one of Queen’s rugby practice teams, but hopes to advance to the varsity team in time. However, he says the new hours have restricted him from working out.

“I’m not on the team yet, but I want to move up,” he said. “[The new schedule] makes it harder for me to come work out and be in the shape I need to be in.”

The Journal contacted Queen’s Athletics and Recreation for information on the changes to the schedule, but they didn’t provide further comment other than their press release.

The first schedule posted for the Lifting Zone. Taken on Sept. 15. (Supplied by Alan Townshend-Carter)


ARC, Fit, Fitness, gains, Lifting Zone, weights

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