Breakfast solutions

With the final stretch of the semester before us, it sometimes feels like there’s just no time for anything – let alone breakfast. If you’ve caught yourself running out the door with a cup of coffee for breakfast, it might be time to reconsider your morning routine.

Eating breakfast in the morning is a great way to wake up your body. It can help provide energy throughout the day and avoid those mid-morning cravings and regrettable snacking.

Most of us know we should eat breakfast, but it isn’t always so easy! So, if you’re struggling to make time for the most important meal of your day, read ahead for some tips:

1. Take a smoothie on the go

If you like something a bit sweet in the morning, a smoothie is the perfect way to get your fix and will help keep you going for a bit longer than a simple piece of fruit. Try this quick fix with a handful of frozen strawberries, half an avocado, vanilla protein powder and almond milk for some healthy fats and proteins; plus, the avocado makes it smooth and creamy!

2. Whip up overnight oats before bed!

If you just don’t have time to make a meal in the morning, try preparing it the night before. Combine a half cup of oats, a half cup of almond milk, a handful of raspberries, a tablespoon of ground flax seeds and anything else you like. Just pop it in the fridge before you go to bed, and it will be ready by the time you roll out of bed.

3. Make your own yogurt parfait

Instead of spending your hard-earned cash on a premade yogurt parfait or individual
yogurt cups, try adding granola and fresh fruit to a few spoonfuls of Greek yogurt and seeing how great it tastes when you make it yourself. As an added bonus: this way you can customize and add anything you like!

4. Dress up your toast

If the PB and J is getting a bit old, try reimagining your slice of toast by following the extremely simple formula of toast plus spread and toppings to dress up your toast. For a sweet treat, try almond butter and banana slices. If you can’t get enough of CoGro’s Top Secret with tomato and sprouts, get your fix at home with cream cheese or hummus topped with cucumber slices.

5. Let trail mix save the day

Making your own trail mix is fantastically easy and can be quite a bit cheaper than the store-bought variety. This is a great backup that can easily be taken on the go. If you know you have a crazy busy week coming up, try dividing your trail mix into plastic bags of single servings to munch on while you work. This mix includes banana chips, cashews, cranberries and chocolate covered peanuts, but visit the bulk section of the grocery store and have some fun with different combinations.

Breakfast might seem like a little thing, but it can really make a big difference with the quality of your day. Challenge yourself to really put in the effort to have breakfast every day for a week, if it’s something you normally skip, and see what a change you notice! With a little planning, it doesn’t have to be impossible to get in a quick bite first thing in the morning!

breakfast, granola, toast, trail mix, yogurt

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