Contributors of the month

Caela Fenton

Caela, Lifestyle’s beloved columnist, is an amazing contributor who has dedicated hard work and enthusiasm to The Journal. Over the past two months, Caela has written a vast number of articles about health and nutrition for the Queen’s community. She’s an incredible contributor, who’s always willing to take on new projects and execute them successfully. Caela is a powerhouse of a writer, and her articles never disappoint. Lifestyle has never looked this good and healthy!


Joshua Finkelstein

Transitioning from a writer at his high school’s infamous El Tigre magazine, Joshua has been contributing since his first few weeks at Queen’s. He’s begun covering women’s soccer, with an intent to continue covering sports throughout the winter. His enthusiasm is only matched by his writing skills, as he consistently puts out quality articles that are always punctual. His openness to feedback and his willingness to write have made him a valuable member of The Journal’s Sports section.


     Isabella Kresin

Although Isabella has written just a few arts stories since September, every article she produces is thorough and well-written. Isabella takes the time to do adequate research, which lets her ask detailed and personalized questions during interviews. She also takes writing stories seriously and always seeks advice from editors on how to improve her next story, while pitching original ideas along the way. Overall, Isabella is a dedicated and hard-working contributor for the Arts section.


   Josh Malm

Whether he’s writing feature-style news pieces or articles about that time he dressed up in drag, Josh is enthusiastic and easy to work with. Since he began writing for The Journal halfway through October, Josh has shown he’s eager to pick up stories and pitch a few of his own ideas. His willingness to take edits and try new things have made him a valued and appreciated contributor. We’re excited to see what’s in store for him at The Journal this year.

Contributors of the month

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