Craving Pesto? Try Creamy Avocado Pasta

By Trilby Goouch
Blogs Editor

If you saw last week’s post on cauliflower pizza crust, you’ll love this healthy pasta sauce alternative. Think about it, a pasta sauce that tastes great and makes your skin glow? Count us in.

With healthy fats, vitamins and few calories (less than 400 per serving!), as a self-diagnosed avocado fiend I was excited to try out this unique alternative to my beloved pesto sauce. The recipe took less than 15 minutes and proved to be a huge hit. The smooth and creamy consistency fakes the rich flavour of butter.

Ingredients (Serves 1)
3 oz. whole wheat pasta of choice (I used spaghetti)
½ a ripe avocado, pitted and scooped
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 clove of garlic (or less, depending on your affinity for garlic)
1 tsp of olive oil
1 tsp basil
Dash of salt
Parmesan (as much as you desire)
A few leaves of parsley
Vegetables to saute of choice (I used leeks, olives, tomatoes)


Set a medium-sized pot of salted water to boil. Add pasta, reduce heat slightly and cook until al dente, 8-10 minutes. Saute your desired veggies on medium with a bit of olive oil.

Combine the avocado, lemon juice, garlic, olive oil, basil and salt in a food processor (or blender); mix until smooth and creamy, then set aside in a bowl.

Transfer cooked pasta to the bowl. Toss with avocado mixture, grated Parmesan and parsley.

Avocado, Cooking, healthy recipes, Pasta

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