
By Savoula Stylianou
Arts Editor

It’s a sign of a true performer when you can perform with strep throat and not let the audience know you’re feeling under the weather.
Dragonette hit Kingston again last Wednesday to play a half-full Ale House and lead singer Martina Sorbara didn’t give on that she was sick until later on in the performance. And no one could tell either because the band was on top of their game. They were making quick jokes amongst each other and Martina was jumping up and down dancing as energetically as ever. It was the special kind of dancing that most people keep confined to their bedrooms when they have a hairbrush microphone, but Martina didn’t really care.
The show started with the band playing their first hit single “I Get Around”, followed up by their wickedly catchy brand new single “Live In This City”. By the second song, the jackets were off for the three band members as they started to sweat it up.
The crowd of students who were missing study time to be at the gig kept shouting “Play ‘Hello!’” to which Martina replied, “I don’t know, you guys aren’t sweaty enough yet,” and proceeded to play some of the trio’s softer music.
People often complain about Ale House being one of the worse venues for live music in Kingston’s downtown core, but there were just enough people in the club to make sure everyone could see the performance. Having the bird’s eye view from the second floor balcony also helped.
Naturally, the crowd became significantly louder and sweatier when the band played their smash hits “Hello” and “Let It Go”. The overwhelming number of guys at Ale House trying to impress their girlfriends surely went home very happy because the show was a success and Dragonette left the stage with screams and wolf whistles from the crowd.
Just to prove to the crowd that her illness wasn’t going to get her down, Martina came back on stage for a solo encore, performing the super soft acoustic song “Coo Coo”, showing off her vocal chops that could make people want to dance one minute and sway back and forth the next minute.
It’s unfortunate that Dragonette won’t be coming back to town to play the TD Pump It Up concert for Queen’s, and I bet students are kicking themselves now for not going to see Dragonette when they had the chance.

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