Editors' note

A bank deposit bag containing approximately $800 of funds donated during the Queen’s LovesU campaign was recovered in the Journal offices late last month.

The Queen’s LovesU campaign looked to raise awareness of mental health issues. During the April 7 event, students were able to provide donations in jars positioned around Queen’s campus. The donations were put into the deposit bag following the event.

Kevin Imrie, former Business Manager of the Journal and organizer of the event, was in custody of the bag and brought it to the Journal’s business office in May. It was kept in the office until an AMS official removed the bag in late October.

Imrie resigned from his position as Journal Business Manager yesterday.

The funds were donated in April for Queen’s Health, Counselling and Disability Services. The AMS processed the donated funds into a cheque and delivered it to HCDS this week.

The Journal’s Editors in Chief Clare Clancy and Jake Edmiston were notified of the situation on Tuesday.

Editor's, note

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