Elections in brief

Mason and Tahiri win ASUS election

Scott Mason and Irfan Tahiri were elected to the Arts and Science Undergraduate Society (ASUS) executive Wednesday night.

Tahiri, Artsci ’14, and Mason, ArtSci ’14, received the news while surrounded by friends at a Barrie St. house party.

“Whether or not you voted for us, we’re going to make the society better ­­— we hope to do it with you,” Mason said in his victory speech.

Competing team Allison Williams, ArtSci ’14, and Zaeem Anwar, CompSci ’14, said they see a bright future for the Society under Mason and Tahiri.

“When we saw their platform, we knew that no matter what, ASUS was going to be moving forward in a positive direction,” Williams said.

— Tristan DiFrancesco

JAM claim spots on CESA executive

Team JAM were announced the victors Wednesday evening in the election for the Concurrent Education Students’ Association executive.

The team, consisting of president-elect Alex Marshall, external vice-president-elect Hannah Miller and internal vice-president-elect Jake Ferguson, learned of the results while gathered with their opponents, team MiDAs.

“We’re really excited to get going on all of our promises,” Marshall, ConEd ’14, said.

As per tradition, the CESA executive candidates met at Fanatics Sports Lounge and bonded over nachos. This is the first time in five years that a team hasn’t run unopposed for CESA.

“Being able to run against a team made us better and made people in Con-Ed more interested in what was going on,” Miller said.

Even though team MiDAs didn’t win, the candidates said they’re still glad they ran.

— Chloë Grande

Purba pulls ahead in COMPSA vote

Sahib Purba, CompSci ’15, was elected as president of the Computing Students’ Association (COMPSA) Wednesday night.

After receiving the call notifying him of the results, he pumped a fist in the air and his friends erupted into a cheer as they realized he had won.

He said he thinks it was the strength of his platform, which included promises of more faculty events, that resulted in his win.

He said he’s very grateful for all of the students that supported him and went out and voted.

“I want to make this year big for the students and the faculty because when the students leave, the faculty remains, so I really want to do this for everyone.”

Purba’s opponent, Julia Duimovich, CompSci ’15, said she’s happy with the way the campaign went.

— Joanna Plucinska and Julia Vriend

TCA takes ComSoc

Team TCA’s President-elect Tyler Hennick, VP-External-elect Charlie Prussky and VP-Internal-elect Ashton Menuz claimed victory over Team JKJ after a long and heated campaign period.

54 per cent of Commerce students voted in this election.

With all four VP candidates out-of-country on exchange, the race was essentially contested by Hennick and Jaril Valenciano, presidential candidate for Team JKJ.

“It was definitely a challenge to campaign without Charlie and Ashton in Kingston, but we had incredible support from a fantastic group of volunteers,” Hennick said. “[Team JKJ has] each individually done a lot for the society and we hope for their support moving into next year.”

— Tristan DiFrancesco

Fleck elected as EngSoc president

Emily Fleck found out she was elected as next year’s EngSoc President amidst a crowd of cheering supporters and a quick round of celebratory shots with her new executive team.

Fleck, who was this year’s EngSoc vice-president of society affairs, viewed this election as a stepping stone.

“Once I was involved, I realized it was something I really liked and wanted to pursue further,” Fleck said.

Fleck did express her willingness to work with Eric Goldfarb and Alex Wilson, the two candidates who were not elected.

“The other campaigns I ran against have really wonderful platforms, so I hope to sit down with them and talk to them about some of the ideas they have that they would really like to see materialize,” Fleck said.

— Joanna Plucinska

Aulthouse named Undergraduate Student Trustee

Andrew Aulthouse won the Undergraduate Student Trustee election with 53 per cent of the vote on the first ballot.

The results were announced Thursday morning. Aulthouse heard the news via phone call while present at Team BGP’s party.

He said he’s proud of how his campaign was run.

“Win or lose, I have no regrets about how the campaign went,” he said. “I had great people helping me out.”

Aulthouse plans to tackle mental health issues on campus by helping administration with their vision of faculty-specific councillors.

Aulthouse was running for the position against Leo Erlikhman, ArtSci ’14, and Nathan Utioh, ArtSci ’15.

“I commend them on the job they did,” he said. “Leo had a strong vision. Nathan was a strong communicator … I look forward to working with them in some capacity in the future.”

— Janina Enrile and Julia Vriend

DDP victors in first ResSoc election

Screams of surprise and happiness filled the room in Victoria Hall after Feodor Snagvosky, Chief Electoral Officer, announced to team DDP that they had won the first-ever Residence Society (ResSoc) election.

“My heart is beating triple time,” President-elect Hasina Daya, ArtSci ’14, said.

“We’re ready to turn a new page in residence history,” Vice-President-elect of residential affairs Katie Preisner, ArtSci ’14, said.

The newly-formed Residence Society marks the amalgamation of the Main Campus Residence Council and Jean Royce Hall Council.

Team DDP, which also includes Vice-President-elect of Judicial Affairs Chantal D’souza, ConEd ’14, beat teams YSO and PAS to attain the positions.

— Styna Tao

Brief, Elections, in

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