English Department releases statement ‘on Palestine and Social Justice’

On Jun. 3, the English Department released a statement addressing the climate at Queen’s surrounding discourse on the crisis in the Middle East.

“Members of our intellectual community who have raised their voices in good-faith efforts to end violence against the most vulnerable in this conflict have recently become targets of hate speech and even personal threats on social media and, in many cases, are feeling unsafe and unsupported by the Queen’s community,” the statement read.  

The statement was signed by Sam McKegney (Head of the Department of English), Margaret Pappano (Graduate Chair), and Scott-Morgan Straker (Undergraduate Chair).

Published on the Department’s webpage, the statement condemned hate speech, threats, and harassment that have circulated online and among the Queen’s community amidst dialogue about and advocacy for Palestinian justice.

“We support the rights of our students and others to share their critically informed views of the conflict in Palestine, within the framework guaranteed by Canadian law, and to express their solidarities and commitments to social justice.”

“Harassment and discrimination are anathema to the pursuit of social justice, and they must not be tolerated.”

The Department encouraged students impacted by the violence in Palestine or harmful messaging on social media to reach out to Student Wellness Services. Those who feel unsafe can also contact Campus Security and the Human Rights and Equity Office.


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