Enrolment group releases first draft

The Strategic Enrolment Management Group (SEMG) released their first draft framework on Monday, which contains long-term enrolment projections for the University.

The draft looks into planning as far as 2024, but only gives specific goals up to 2016, as concrete information for the future can be hard to determine. According to the draft, enrolment has increased 35 per cent between 2001 and 2012.

The draft’s main points include ensuring students are supported outside of the classroom, budgeting to maintain successful student services and making sure that the institution meets enrolment goals that align with revenue targets.

Proposals for a long-term enrolment plan were originally passed at Senate in April last year.

Students and other stakeholders such as the University Council were asked to put forward their feedback for a long-term plan in September.

The Senate Committee on Academic Development (SCAD) also held two town hall meetings to hear feedback from the community. Alan Harrison, provost and vice principal (academic) and member of SEMG, said the draft serves as only a guide for the University.

“The aim of the framework is to ensure that our enrolment-related plans and actions further the university’s mission, encourage student success and support our financial sustainability,” Harrison said in a press release.

“It’s a tool to guide the university’s academic, administrative and support units as they work towards our enrolment goals.”

Harrison didn’t respond to multiple interview requests from the Journal.

AMS President Eril Berkok is also a member of SEMG.

Berkok and AMS Academic Affairs Commissioner Allison Williams worked on an AMS report which provided recommendations to SEMG for enrolment.

The report addresses factors to consider when looking at enrolment planning, such as student life, finances, academics and the impact on the surrounding community.

Williams said she was satisfied overall with the draft, but would have liked to see a stricter framework.

“I guess right now it’s cited as being a framework, which to me suggests it would have a series of metrics and considerations that you could vet any enrolment plan by,” she said. “I didn’t find that it was as structured as I would have liked in that sense.”

She also said she wished the University began planning earlier.

“I think that it was unfortunate that the only time that that level of planning went into [enrolment] was when we knew there was a major expansion coming,” she said.

“There are so many considerations when you look at enrolment … the kinds of students you’re attracting, the kinds of programs you’re attracting them into … [which] should be made every year,” she said.

Williams added that the SEMG is integral to the university as broader planning is vital.

“[SEMG] is a great venue to really carefully look at our enrolment numbers and ensure that we do have a cohesive long-term plan that is University wide,” she said.


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