Exiled hotdog vendor Scott Hallman reaches a compromise with Hospitality Services

On Oct. 14, hot dog and sausage vendor Scott Hallman was notified by Hospitality Services that he would no longer be able to operate at the Queen’s Farmers Market as he had done for nearly six years prior. After a petition calling for his reinstatement reached over 1200 signatures, Hallman announced he had reached a compromise with Queen’s Hospitality Services.

On Nov. 2, Hallman released a statement via Facebook about his compromise on the petition platform.

“I met with some very friendly people at Queen’s Hospitality Services today and discussed the future vision they have for the market. As I am not a producer of products (minus a few popular mustards…), my offerings simply don’t fit the farm-to-student environment they’re hoping to curate over the next few years for their market. I respect their decision and truly hope the market can flourish for the benefit of students,” Hallman wrote.

Hallman told The Journal he was “very surprised” with the sudden ban of his services. Sodexo told Hallman that because he “re-sells” products rather than produces them himself, he “no longer fit[s]” in the market.

However, Hallman noted on Nov. 2, “there’s a positive to every negative.”

“As of today, I am now a fundraising partner with Queen’s Hospitality Services. What this means is I’ll still be able to come on campus a pile of times each semester […] and my menu won’t be limited to the restrictions of the market,” Hallman wrote.

“Big hearts Queen’s, love you and I’m glad I get to continue being a part of this Community! Cha Gheill!”

Hospitality Services, Scott Hallman, Sodexo

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