Funny Friends

The members of campus band Turkey Turkey are close.

So close they know the number of chest hairs each of the others have.

While Riley Shaw said he doesn’t have any chest hairs yet, he knows his bandmates and housemates Tom Yeates and David Cronin have more going on in the chest area.

“Tom has four, and David’s got quite a few,” Shaw, Sci ’13, explained to me.

My interview with the campus band comprised of more laughter than serious questions. It’s clear that David, Tom and Riley are three best friends who just happen to make music together.

“David and I grew up on the same street and he and Riley went to school together, so we’ve been friends for a while,” Yeates, CompSci ’13, said. “Then we all discovered we played instruments that coordinated in a band formation.”

Drummer Shaw, guitarist Yeates and keyboard player Cronin first played music together in the tenth grade and since then have gone on to the same university.

“We all just happened to pick Queen’s, which was awesome. And we’re all in sciences,” Yeates said.

Since then, the cover band went on to win last year’s Clark Hall Battle of the Bands competition.

“We had an advantage because we were the last band to play. We played a cover of the Arthur theme song and people seemed to like it — or they got drunk and forgot everybody else,” Cronin, Sci ’13, said.

Shaw said the trio’s motto is to not take themselves too seriously while performing.

“The whole thing is that we want the audience to sing along and have fun, that way it’s more fun for everyone, including us.”

The guys don’t take themselves too seriously off stage either, which was evident when they were joking about Cronin’s fear of the dark.

“I have six nightlights in my room,” Cronin said, as his friends laughed.

The three students were totally in sync while we were talking — from finishing each other’s sentences to picking up on the other’s music references.

Cronin, Shaw and Yeates said they all enjoy doing covers from different decades of the past.

“We have a diverse selection of songs. Sometimes we play a 90s hit, then we do a more recent one,” Shaw said.

Yeates chimed in that they try to keep the songs they play somewhat current and relatable for the audience.

“For example, we’ll do a Vampire Weekend song. They’re popular enough that most people would know who they are, but not everyone.”

Yeates said the band wouldn’t rule out playing together even after they all graduate this year.

“If we’re in the same area, we’ll keep it going. Hopefully, we’ll all end up in the same place.”

As the four of us finished talking and the guys left me with hugs, I felt more like I had just hung out with a group of friends instead of doing a formal interview.

Turkey Turkey returns to Clark Hall Pub tonight to defend their title in the Battle of the Bands at 9 p.m.

Battle of the Bands, David Cronin, Interview, Riley Shaw, Tom Yeates, Turkey Turkey

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