Gourmet In The Kitchen: Simple Mediterranean Mackerel

By Trilby Goouch
Blogs Editor

There’s nothing quite like successfully mimicking one of your favourite dishes at a restaurant, and I can happily say that this Mediterranean mackerel dish boasts the flavour and richness of my go-to menu item at a restaurant I frequent in Toronto. I came up with the recipe based on approximations after noting the ingredients during my last visit. The combination of fresh fish flavour, salty capers and vegetable juices is healthy and rich in taste. I made this dish for my family, with each filet costing around $4.00. The rest of the ingredients are inexpensive and easy to throw together. I highly suggest trying out this recipe for a gourmet Mediterranean dish that is sure to impress!

Ingredients (serves 3)
• 3 pieces of mackerel
• 2 small or 1 large onion
• ¼ cup tomato sauce
• ½ green pepper
• 2 heaping tbsp capers
• 1 cup orzo
• ½ cup chopped parsley
• 1 clove garlic
• 1/3 cup of red wine
• 2 chopped tomatoes
• salt and pepper


• Slice and sautee onions and garlic on medium until soft; add in chopped green pepper and chopped tomato
• Add in tomato sauce and stir

• Fill a separate pot with water and a dash of salt and bring to a boil for the orzo; cook orzo for 8 minutes
• While the water is heating, place pieces of fish on top of the sautéed vegetables; sprinkle with capers, a bit of salt and pepper and parsley and cover on medium; turn fish over after 5 minutes and cook other side for another 5 minutes; then lower heat to low and leave to simmer until orzo is ready

• Strain orzo, divide onto plates and top each with a piece of fish, vegetables and juices

Cooking, Mediterranean Meals, seafood, Simple Recipes

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