Grey House groups re-ratify with AMS

Kingston Ontario Public Research Interest Group (OPIRG) and the Levana Gender Advocacy Centre re-ratified as AMS clubs on Wednesday, making them eligible for AMS club space.

The groups didn’t re-ratify during the summer and were delivered a notice of removal from their space in the Grey House on Aug. 29.

After meeting with the AMS on Sept. 13, the groups were told they had until Sept. 14 to re-ratify as AMS clubs.

Vlada Bilyak, Levana coordinator, said that by re-ratifying, the onus is now on the AMS to decide whether or not the groups will be removed from the Grey House.

“I would be amazed if we are either not given any space at all or if we were re-located somewhere else,” Bilyak, ArtSci ’10, said. “We’ve basically done all that we can.”

By re-ratifying, Bilyak said Levana will be able to speak with the AMS about remaining concerns.

“Something we’d like to see happen is to bring negotiations about the [Memorandum of Understanding] back to the table,” she said.

OPIRG coordinator Kavita Bissoondial said re-ratifying comes with the expectation that OPIRG will get to stay in the Grey House.

“We’re on our toes,” Bissoondial, ArtSci ’10, said. “It was very clear in our meeting with [the AMS] last week that re-ratifying was not a guarantee that we can keep our space.”

Bissoondial said the decision to re-ratify was forced on OPIRG. “It’s the only way we’re going to keep our space,” she said.

AMS Vice-President of University Affairs Kieran Slobodin said the space allocation committee will meet on Sept. 19 to determine what spaces will be allocated to OPIRG and Levana.

“We’ll review their application and depending on what’s been submitted, a decision will be made,” Slobodin, ArtSci ’12, said.

The Education for Queer Issues Project (EQuIP), an AMS committee under the Social Issues Commission, is ineligible for club space but has historically been located in the Grey House. Slobodin said the AMS is in talks with EQuIP about alternative space arrangements.

AMS, Grey House, Levana, OPIRG

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