Healthy office snacks

By Jessica Chong
Blogs Editor

With almost every type of food establishment surrounding my workplace, I’m usually more inclined to eat out. When packing snacks for the office, I’ve found the presentation of food plays a significant role in my willingness to curb food spending.

Cubicle life nearly jeopardized my weight last summer, so this summer I’ve resolved to maintain a healthy diet. In addition to the staples of yogurt, fruits and veggies, there are a lot of creative ways to dress up healthy eating.

Here are a few of my favourite ideas:

Yogurt-covered fruit

Try covering half a pint of blueberries with Greek yogurt and freezing them. Greek yogurt is not only healthier than regular yogurt and packed with protein, but the thicker consistency works as a great coating for fruits.

Check out Flufflimama’s blog post for details about recreating your own yogurt-covered treats:

Fun dips and spreads

Head over to the grocery store and mull over the selection of dips. Summer is the perfect time to discover a new dip that may become your favourite. Add a kick to veggies or wraps by spreading a thin layer of roasted red pepper dip or a hummus.

Check out’s Twenty Ideas for Wrap Fillings for a selection of ideas to get you started:…

Breakfast yogurt parfait

I’m usually out the door by 7:30 a.m., so breakfast sometimes doesn’t happen until my morning break. That doesn’t mean I sacrifice one of my favourite breakfast treats, though. This is an old favourite from last summer and was pretty much an everyday staple.

Simply bring your favourite yogurt (cheaper to buy in the larger tubs than the individual containers), granola or cereal and fruits. Creating your own yogurt parfait is a lot cheaper than the Starbucks or cafeteria version and can be customized over and over again.

Alternate between blackberries, blueberries and strawberries and mix it up from time to time with kiwis or mango bits. Adding a few dark chocolate chips or a sprinkle of flax seeds is also a great way to maintain a healthy balance. Keep the yogurt, fruits and granola separate until your break to ensure the granola stays just as crunchy. In addition, remember to keep a balance between the fruits and yogurt. Usually a handful of fruits will do, which works as the perfect mid-morning filler before lunch.

Snacks for the office definitely don’t have to be monotonous or a chore. Try to get creative, and keep in mind that the presentation of food will change how you perceive it. It may be tempting to whip together something quickly, but your appetite may soon diminish when you remember the sloppily-made sandwich you threw together.

Admittedly, the last thing I want to think about on a Sunday evening is making office snacks, but you’ll be saving a lot of money and time when you opt for your homemade pick-me-up over that midweek Starbucks treat.

dips, fruit, snacks, summer

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