In the mood for sexy food

With Valentine’s Day quickly approaching and love in the air, many students are searching for ways to spice up their love life, or simply attain one. Search no more, because we have some answers.

Throughout history, the term aphrodisiac was associated with foods and objects merely for their mimicking appearance of certain … features. For instance, rhino horns were ground up and consumed, the ancient Greeks celebrated figs with sexual rituals and avocados were called “testicles” by the Aztecs for the way they hung from tree branches in pairs. Nowadays, there is a much more modern and scientific approach to coining certain foods and scents as aphrodisiacs. Pull out your grocery list, because the following chart contains some of the more popular (and surprising) supposed aphrodisiacs.

Warning: aphrodisiacs may increase sexual desire and result in more time spent between the sheets.

Aphrodisiac: Dark chocolate
The science: Contains phenylethylamine, a compound that releases the same endorphins triggered by sex.
The sexy truth: Inreases the feelings of attraction between two people. As well, a study showed that by consuming at least one cube of dark chocolate daily, people are more likely to experience greater desire and better overall sexual function than those who don’t.

Aphrodisiac: Bananas
The science: Helps release serotonin (a.k.a. the happy chemical) into your bloodstream. They also contain potassium, a mineral that increases muscle strength.
The sexy truth: The serotonin helps lift your mood and calm your nervous system, while the increased muscle strength is a crucial element for a pleasurable experience in bed.

Aphrodisiac: Sushi
The science: Common ingredients like salmon and mackerel are high in omega-3 fatty acids which aid sex-hormone production, while tuna is a good source of selenium, which helps increase male sperm count. Don’t forget about the sides: ginger is a natural blood thinner, aiding in overall circulation and edamame contain phytoestrogens which act as natural lubricants.
The sexy truth: This powerhouse of a meal adds up to: a sock on the doorknob, shafted roommate, and two very tired people with sheepish grins on their faces the next morning.

Aphrodisiac: Oatmeal
The science: Surprised? So was I. However, oatmeal is made of whole grains, which increase testosterone levels thus boosting the male sex drive. Add honey, which contains the mineral boron, proven to have a libido-enhancing effect and a cup of OJ (high in Vitamin C).
The sexy truth: He won’t be able to keep his eyes—and hands—off you. On top of that, reports have shown that people with higher intakes of Vitamin C have overall better moods and have more sex.

Aphrodisiac: Asparagus
The science: Contains folate, a B vitamin that increases blood levels of histamine, a neurotransmitter. Also contains the plant chemical protodioscin.
The sexy truth: Histamine helps you orgasm, while protodioscin has been shown to boost arousal and even help combat erectile dysfunction in some guys.

Aphrodisiac: Pizza
The science: Cheese contains magnesium, a mineral required for muscle contractions. Add some healthy toppings like broccoli and mushrooms, which contain vitamin A, known to regulate progesterone (a steroid hormone that helps turn on your sex drive). Interesting fact: studies have shown that the scent of cheese (any kind) increases blood circulation to his nether regions by up to five per cent.
The sexy truth: It’s quite simple: stronger muscle contractions equals better orgasms. Higher sex drive equals more frequent desire for sex.

Aphrodisiac: Jasmine
The science: Has a powerful erogenous effect, boosting libido, self-esteem, and sexual interest.
The sexy truth: This floral scent is an aphrodisiac for both sexes, leaving people feeling confident and aroused. No wonder it is one of the most famous fragrances in the perfume industry.

Aphrodisiac: Musk
The science: The scent of musk, which is obstained from the gland of the male musk deer, has been shown to closely resemble the scent of testosterone.
The sexy truth: Men feel more masculine and their partners generally feel more turned on. It’s a win-win situation.

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