JohnTom plans ahead

Before assuming their new roles on May 1, the incoming ASUS executive plan to simplify the society’s website.

“[Making] it more accessible would help the society because so many things revolve around it,” incoming president John Whittaker said.

The team won 65 per cent of the Arts and Science Undergraduate Society vote on Wednesday night.

This year, ASUS is budgeted to make a $15,583 surplus. Whittaker and incoming vice-president Tom Jacobs plan to allocate part of this to the development of the Red Room, a new ASUS publication and the ArtSci Student Initiatives Exhibit.

The Exhibit would showcase Arts and Science student’s research in a weekend event.

“We strongly believe that Arts and Science students deserve a service. However, a service like the Alpine Tower or a food service just isn’t feasible,” Jacobs, ArtSci ’14, said.

Current ASUS President Rico Garcia proposed a $100,000 team-building rope obstacle course last year to ASUS council, but the proposal was rejected.

The incoming team plans to work on updating the Red Room over the summer so that tutors from the Mindfind tutoring service can move in for September. Directors for the service will be hired this semester.

“As much as it’s our project it’s also up to the directors to put everything into effect,” Whittaker, ArtSci ’14, said.

Whittaker and Jacobs attribute much of their success to their class talks during their campaign.

“Throughout the whole week John and I directly communicated with about two to three thousand students from class talks alone,” Jacobs said.

The team said they were dedicated to answering all questions posed to them via Facebook and Twitter.

“We made sure we replied to every single tweet,” Jacobs said.

The incoming executive team said they’re looking forward to forming a new ASUS council.

“If we can bring a council together that is as effective and welcoming as the one that Rico and [current vice-president] Duncan [Peterson] have created then hopefully that will lead to future success in other areas,” Jacobs said.

Asus, Faculty elections

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