Kingston Gems: MLT DWN

By Trilby Goouch
Blogs Editor

When I think of comfort food, grilled cheese and Kraft Dinner come to mind. So when I came across a sampling of MLT DWN’s mac and cheese grilled cheese during the sidewalk sale in Frosh Week, I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. That little taste of heaven was on my mind for the following few days, and I found myself raving about it to anyone who would listen. Nostalgic of my Frosh Week experience, I had to try it out when I walked past the Princess St. restaurant the other day.

When you enter MLT DWN, you’re hit with a smell of melted cheese that would make any cheese-lover weak in the knees. The concept is small and modern with a sleek, slightly industrial design. The digital menus display an array of options so diverse that my friends and I found ourselves ogling, mouths wide open.

There are selections of pre-made grilled cheeses including a cheesecake option that I’ll have to explore during my next visit. You also have the option to build your own, with a starting price of $4. There are a wide variety of breads, cheeses, vegetables and meats to create your own unique sandwich. I ordered my grilled cheese with a side of signature waffle fries, which cost a steep extra $3.50 but in retrospect was well worth the price. The total of my meal came to around $11 with tip, which sounds like a lot for a grilled cheese sandwich.. One friend ordered a pulled pork grilled cheese, while the others ordered an avocado-cheddar-onion and mac and cheese with hot peppers combo. We all agreed that MLT DWN was a revelation.

The service was fast and friendly, and there are lots of condiments to choose from to enhance your grilled cheese. I tried the spicy ketchup, although I quickly reverted to traditional ketchup (I wasn’t digging the salsa-like taste). The food arrived in neat wire baskets with fish-and-chips style paper, which added visual appeal. The portions left us with the perfect level of satiety; the sandwiches are grilled into a thin panini-like style, proving that a moderate amount of cheese and add-ons go a long way. This made them easy to eat and perhaps a little more forgiving on the waistline.

I highly recommend checking this place out for the unique experience. With so many options to choose from, you’ll want to visit more than once. With its close proximity to McDonalds and Burger King, it might have difficulty positioning itself as a fast-food competitor. However if you’re looking for a late-night fix, their standard grilled cheese costs around $5, which is quite a bit more affordable. For first timers, I recommend ordering the mac and cheese option for a comfort-food overdose.

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