Kingston youth charged with terrorism granted bail

After facing charges of facilitating terrorist activity and spending two months in custody, a Kingston youth was granted bail on Wednesday.

Kingston’s Ontario Court of Justice released the teen on strict conditions. At all times, he must be in the presence of one of two approved family members.

He must remain in Ontario, surrender his passport, and wear an electronic monitoring device. He’s also prohibited from using the Internet.

The 16-year-old was arrested on Jan. 24 near the University District and has been in custody at a youth detention centre since his Jan. 25 arraignment. A publication ban under the Youth Criminal Justice Act protects his identity.

His legal team arranged for a bail hearing in hopes of securing his release from custody pending trial. The bail hearing was set to take place over two days—March 12 and March 29.

The bail hearing was extended into April 1 because more time was needed.

However, even at the conclusion of the April 1 session, Justice of the Peace Herbert Kreling wanted time to deliberate—his decision was delivered to the court on Wednesday afternoon.

As of March 29, the teen faces three new charges.

The first claims he committed an indictable offence by “making, or having in his possession, or under his care or control, an explosive substance with intent to cause injury to life or damage to property.”

Second, he’s charged with an indictable offence by taking action “with intent to cause an explosion of an explosive substance that was likely to cause death or serious injury or damage to property.”

The teen’s also been accused by the Kingston Police of making a death threat to a special constable.

In addition to these recent charges, he was originally charged with facilitating terrorist activity, counselling someone to deliver, place, and detonate a lethal device or explosive with the intent to cause injury, and intent to cause an explosion likely to cause death, serious injury or property damage.

The teen is scheduled to make his next appearance in court on April 30.

City of Kingston, crime

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