Last words

By Janina Enrile
Editor in Chief

It’s fitting that my last words will read like a eulogy.

My time at the Journal, may it rest in peace, was filled with laughs, heartaches and unadulterated joy. It was a friend to me when I needed one, and a tired routine when I did least.

I loved it, either way. Even when I hated it, I loved it. I’m not lying. I think.

It’s only Journal kids, as I so affectionately call us cynics and wordsmiths, who understand how you can feel such pain and ecstasy about a place.

The Journal saw a lot of changes this year. We made nearly half of our production digital, with two landmark features coming out of it. Both and showed our readers what could be done with some forward-thinking minds and a hell of a lot of hard work.

And it was our staff’s hard work — from covering Homecoming’s return to the campus uproar surrounding last week’s men’s issues talk — that really made the difference. Their belief in strong journalism was clear when they rallied to support a Journal fee increase which, starting next year, will go towards the paper’s next steps.

In my first year here, I spent many nights sitting in the chill of the 190 University Ave. porch. The campus gets really quiet in the late nights we produce the paper but, my, how we know the opposite end of that spectrum.

Our ability to cover that noise, that movement, wouldn’t be possible without some incredibly dedicated people.

To our editorial staff, who helped Alison and I keep our heads during every mess and every triumph of the year. Your unwavering tenacity and courage are why this place is alive.

To Jacob and the business staff, I still marvel at how lucky we are to have you. And to Gen and Kevin, thank you for everything you’ve done for this place.

To my family and to Rosie, you’ve both put up with a lot — I’ve been a bad friend, a bad daughter and a bad sister. Thank you for your infinite patience and support.

To Gabe, your constant advice and support have been nothing but helpful. I am grateful.

To those of you, and you know who you are, who have been so kind and forgiving these past three years. I can’t thank you enough for being that stable point in a year full of uncertainty.

Jake and Clare, thanks for taking a chance on me, and teaching me what it means to be a real journalist. To Katherine and Labiba, you helped me see the kind of writer I want to become. You’ve all had such faith in me as my editors — thank you.

To Nick and Vince, I leave this place a little less anxious because of you. You’re going to do so well, and I can’t wait to see how you shape the year ahead.

And to Alison, one of my best friends, you understood every single thing I’ve felt this year. I’m constantly amazed by your drive, and I’m glad that we did this together. I’m so sad it’s over.

To you, dear reader, you pushed us in so many ways this year, and I thank you for it. When we did something well, you noticed. And when we did something wrong, you sometimes more vehemently noticed. Thank you for both, and we’re sorry for when we did get those things wrong.

They say the printed word is dead, that we student journalists have little to look forward to. So, though my last words sound like a eulogy, I’ll tell you this — we’re not dead. We’re not even dying. We’re looking to the next place, the next thing to write about, the next way this campus can move.

And hopefully you’ll still be there with the Journal, watching. I know I will be.

Janina still, somehow, wants to keep writing.

By Alison Shouldice
Editor in Chief

Running a campus newspaper in today’s world is exhilarating and terrifying.

There are so many opportunities to shine, yet so many ways to fall. When Janina and I made the decision to cut our twice-weekly print issues last summer — replacing one with an online edition — I was scared we were making a mistake.

It turns out I had nothing to worry about.

Our staff worked hard this year to ensure we weren’t left in the dust. We leapt into the world of digital storytelling with our first-ever major web projects: a Homecoming multimedia feature and a seven-part series on the state of the University. No matter what form it takes, campus journalism will remain relevant; there will always be a need for trusted news organizations to keep students informed and leaders accountable.

When people find out I work at the Journal, a common complaint I hear is that we’re too negative and fail to boost morale. But that’s not what we’re here for. Like any newspaper, we relay the truth to readers and act as a forum for discussion.

To the students who understand the importance of campus media and supported our fee increase last month: we won’t let you down. These extra funds will allow us to expand and improve our coverage.

It also means we can provide a better experience for student journalists.

This year’s Journal staff are an incredible bunch. I imagine there are few other places on campus you’ll find students that share their passion. Many of them knowingly allow their GPAs to plummet, their free time to vanish and their waistlines to expand in the name of journalism.

Dedication like this is what’s kept this place relevant for 140 years.

To those that led the way in the last few years, I owe you everything.

Katherine and Labiba, you hired me as an awkward newbie. Thank you for bringing me on board — the opportunities you gave me won’t be forgotten. Jake and Clare, I’m eternally grateful for all the help and advice you gave us this year.

I’m the first Journal editor who didn’t work on staff with the paper’s retired administrative assistant, Gabriele King, but she’s remained supportive. Gabe, a huge thank you for that.

Without ads, we have no paper. So to our Business Manager, Jacob, thank you for keeping us breathing, and for doing so with such professionalism. Gen and Kevin, we haven’t forgotten the hard work you put in earlier this year.

To my parents, Carol and Lee: you put up with a year’s worth of my Queen’s-themed rants and genuinely cared. It’s meant the world to me. Rosie, I’m pretty sure you kept me stable this year.

To next year’s editors, Nick and Vince: the amount of passion you both hold for this place and for journalism is remarkable. I know you’ll produce incredible work next year, and I can’t wait to see it.

Janina, we’ve joked about running away together, but I’m glad we stuck it out. It’s been an absolute pleasure being your co-editor. You’re the person I spent most of my waking hours with this year, and I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

There are so many people to thank, but it’s you, the readers, who are the most important. You keep us accountable and push us to be better.

If you lauded or loathed our coverage, called our office, tweeted at us, commented online or wrote a letter: thank you. Without curious, passionate and questioning readers, a newspaper is nothing.

And with that, it’s all over. Thanks for keeping the conversation going.

Alison is ready to cut down on coffee.

Last, words

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