Leniency to vote

On Oct. 6 students can ask for academic leniency in order to vote in the Ontario provincial election for Kingston and the Islands.

Professors are encouraged, but not required, to provide alternate arrangements for students who want to vote during class time without academic repercussion.

The motion was passed by Queen’s Senate on Sept. 27.

Alternate arrangements could include rescheduling exams, extending deadlines and providing missed material for a three-hour absence.

The motion was submitted by Society of Graduate and Professional Students (SGPS) President Jillian Burford-Grinnell and AMS President Morgan Campbell.

AMS Vice-President of University Affairs Kieran Slobodin said if students were constrained to voting in advance polls — which took place on campus from Sept. 21 to 23 — they would be forced to decide too quickly.

“Students need time to make a decision equivalent to the decision of everyone else,” Slobodin told Senate on Sept. 27. “A motion like this is very similar to the labour laws which demand that all employees have an opportunity to vote during their work schedule.”

AMS, Provincial Election, Senate

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