Letter to the editor

Re: “Candidate quizzes” (Jan. 27, 2012).

Dear Editors,

I thought the recent Journal story, “Candidate quizzes,” was a great approach in testing the knowledge of the AMS executive candidates.

It allowed me to not only see the candidates’ personal knowledge of the university and AMS, but also it allowed me to realize what I didn’t know in some of the questions asked.

However, I did find it interesting that none of the candidates were able to recall that NSS (Nursing Science Society) is a part of AMS, when asked to list the faculty societies that comprise the AMS.

This means that the NSS and the incoming executive need to establish a better relationship. However, what I thought was more interesting and somewhat concerning, is that the Journal considered two of the candidates (those able to list eight societies) as correct although they were missing the NSS from their answers, meaning that even the Journal didn’t realize that the NSS is a faculty society.

The NSS represents over 400 nursing students including those within the four-year Bachelor of Nursing Science (BNSc) program, the two-year advanced standing track BNSc program and those in the post-Registered Nurse BNSc program. The NSS hosts a variety of events throughout the year, including charity fundraising events, BBQs, social and athletic opportunities as well as career-building workshops and annual conferences.

We may be small, but we are still a faculty society and we definitely sit on the AMS.

Kalem Boomhouwer,
BNSc ’13
Nursing Science Society President

AMS, candidate quizzes, Nursing Science Society

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