Letters to the Editor

Outcry Deserved

Re: “Sex Sells”

Dear Editors,

I was horrified to read a condemnation of the twitterverse’s reaction to Audi’s Super Bowl commercial in Friday’s issue of the Journal (“Sex Sells”). Calling the ad “relatively harmless,” the article simultaneously put down those who protested it and told them they weren’t doing enough.

The author writes that “Our culture should ask tougher questions about the gendered and sexualized messages our media conveys,” but spends the rest of the time condemning the people who did exactly that. S/he seemed to be saying that we should try to change the world, just so long as (the horror) we don’t get angry and make a fuss while doing it.

Besides, it’s ridiculous to imply that those who tweet angrily don’t focus on the big picture. We do: we’re activists and writers and workers and students of all stripes who happen to think that one way we can change the big picture is by challenging particularly visible pieces of rape culture — like this ad.

The ad is far from harmless. It feeds into a longstanding media narrative that what men want from women is more important than what those woman do or do not want. Stop for a second and imagine:

Imagine if everyone at that prom who was attracted to that girl went up and kissed her. Imagine that. What if every boy who thought she was hot felt confident and decided to kiss her? One after the other. It might last all night.

When you think about it that way, it becomes pretty obvious that her desire not to be kissed overrides anyone else’s desire to kiss her. But Audi’s ad says otherwise.

And when you defend that ad as harmless, and you support one boy kissing one girl without her consent, you tell rapists and potential rapists everywhere that you agree with them. That what women want doesn’t matter. That consent doesn’t matter. That what they do (rape!) is okay.

You probably didn’t mean to say that. But you did.

Morgan Williams, Sci ’16

Public service

Re: “Justin Trudeau returns to campus”

Dear Editors, As a son of the late George Ball (Sci ’40) I write to express my dismay that his Alma Mater has paid a $12,000 speaking fee to Mr. Justin Trudeau. Parliamentarians are paid $277,000 per annum which is to cover their duties in the House of Commons and outside responsibilities including speeches. From the 1960s through the 1980s, my father served his community in various elected positions such as councillor, mayor, commissioner and turned the annual small stipends in as a donation to the local hospital. Countless hours were contributed to the town for the betterment of the community. Mr. Trudeau — like some of our senators — has much to learn about community service before aspiring to lead our Dominion.

Ian Ball


Re: “Vice-President of Operations-elect resigns”

Dear Editors,

Today I tendered my resignation as Vice-President-elect (Operations) of the Alma Mater Society, effective immediately. I would like the Queen’s community to understand the reasons for my decision.

Less than three weeks after being elected, I was approached by President-elect Eril Berkok and Vice-President-elect T.K. Pritchard with a demand that I resign or face a vote of non-confidence at AMS Assembly.

The reason they provided me was that they felt that I do not have the necessary experience to fulfill the role of Vice-President (Operations) and that it was unlikely that I could get up to speed before our term begins on May 1.

I offered to work with them to address their concerns. This offer was rejected.

It is clear to me that they do not wish to work with me.

I believe that I would have served as Vice-President (Operations) with distinction. I would not have accepted Eril’s and TK’s invitation to run for election with them had I thought otherwise. Nevertheless, the actions of Eril and T.K. over the past several days have convinced me that we no longer have the confidence and trust in each other and the commitment to support each other that is necessary to work together successfully. Reluctantly, I have decided to tender my resignation.

This has been a very difficult decision for me. It was a great honour and a privilege to have been elected to serve the AMS in this position. I regret that events have turned out this way.

To all of you who gave me your support and encouragement during the campaign and who voted for me, I want to thank you all most sincerely. It will always mean an enormous amount to me.


Peter Green, ArtSci ’13

Former Vice-president Operations-elect from team BGP

Letters, Letters to the editor, resignation

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