New year, new you

With 2016 just around the corner, now’s the time to start thinking of New Year’s resolutions. But year after year, many of us find ourselves having trouble committing to the promises we set out to accomplish, whether it’s losing 10 pounds, getting better grades or quitting smoking. 

Breaking bad habits and working on yourself can be tough, so I’ve compiled a list of pointers to help you accomplish your resolutions and make 2016 the year you see a whole new you.

Brainstorm in advance

Don’t put off your resolutions until New Year’s Eve. Reflecting on the past and the year ahead is a great way to think about your needs or goals for the future. If you’re truly passionate about your decision, you’ll be all the more motivated to succeed.

Make a plan

Actions speak louder than words. It’s easy to say that you’re going to do something; however, the difficult part is putting those words into action. Make a plan with specific goals and realistic strategies. Don’t just say you’ll work out more. How often will you go? Don’t just say you’ll stop procrastinating in school. How are you going to manage your time better? Outline a plan for yourself, so your goals are easier to attain. 

Talk it out

Never be embarrassed about working on yourself. Tell your friends and family about your hopes and goals for the New Year. Not only will you find a wide range of supporters, you never know who’s embarking on the same journey or has been in your shoes before. 

One step at a time

Nothing is more daunting than trying to tackle too much at once. It’s tempting to make Jan. 1 the day that you change yourself for good. But biting off more than you can chew and jumping in before you’re ready is a recipe for disaster. There’s nothing wrong with taking baby steps towards achieving your goal. Divide your resolution(s) into smaller and more realistic objectives that can be done on a daily basis, eventually working towards achieving the greater goal.

Be confident

Be confident in your efforts, your accomplishments and, more importantly, your failures. Always expect the best, but prepare for the worst. Don’t be discouraged if you fail, just pick yourself right up and start over again. Unfortunately, the only way you’ll learn is by failing. It’s all up hill from there! 

This is for you and no one else

Resolutions are about you and what you want for yourself. Don’t focus too much on how people think you “should” act or who you “should” be. At the end of the day, these resolutions are solely for you and your overall happiness. 

goals, New Year’s, New year's resolutions

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