News in Brief

Vol. 142 Editors in Chief elected

Nick Faris, ArtSci ’15, and Vincent Ben Matak, ArtSci ’14, have been elected as the incoming Editors in Chief for Volume 142.

Twenty-nine voters unanimously voted in support of the team on Thursday.

“The unanimous vote really shows that people have confidence in us, and we appreciate that so much,” Matak said. “We hope we can serve them the best we can, because we don’t want to let anyone down.”

Matak currently serves as the Journal’s News Editor, and Faris works as Sports Editor for the paper. Both have contributed to the Journal since their first year at Queen’s University.

Main platform points for the team including amalgamating Postscript and Blogs sections to create a new Lifestyle section, as well as releasing stories every weekday to increase the speed of coverage and to connect better with readers.

“We’re really excited to continue this year, finish it off strong and then get 142 started. It should be good,” said Faris after the results of the vote were announced.

“I think it’s very common for people in this situation to say they’re without words, and I see where they’re coming from right now,” he said.

The team began their campaign on Jan. 28, and participated in a question and answer session on Wednesday at the Grad Club.

They said they decided to run together as they share the same vision for the Journal.

“We’re from different backgrounds, we both have different skill sets and experiences,” Matak said. “On top of that we both really care about this place, and want to see it succeed in the future.” — Olivia Bowden

Professors win awards

Queen’s professor John Smol and his brother Jules Blais, of the University of Ottawa, have won the Brockhouse Canada Prize for Interdisciplinary Research for their work in biology and environmental science.

The Brockhouse Canada Prize for Interdisciplinary Research is a national prize that recognizes research teams for interdisciplinary work in science and engineering.

John Smol studies paleoecology and aquatic ecology, while Blais studies ecotoxicology.

Paleoecology is the study of fossil records to gather information about ecosystems of the past, while ecotoxicology is the study of the effects of toxins on biological organisms.

Smol said the award is important because it will help him be taken seriously by industries and politicians that create and influence environmental policy.

“You tend to be taken more seriously when the scientific community recognizes your contributions with awards like this,” he said.

-— Sebastian Leck

Brief, in, News

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