News in Brief

The University is seriously considering the development of a new residence building on main campus, according to a press release issued last week.
The proposed building, which is still in the early planning stage, would be built on University property along the west side of Albert St., just south of Union St. and across from Tindall Field.
According to the University, the new residence is needed to accommodate plans for modest enrollment growth.
The proposed development would also make space for students from other residences as old building undergo renovations, like the John Deutsch University Centre (JDUC) renovation which will displace nearly 100 residence units.
The University is working with the city to ensure factors like heritage, neighbourhood integration, and environmental issues are addressed in the plan, as well as respecting the local community and residents.
Roughly 50 near-campus neighbours attended a public information session hosted by the University last week.
The plan still awaits approval from the University’s Capitals Assets and Finance Committee as well as the Board of Trustees. If approved, construction is anticipated to start in the spring or summer of 2020.

building, Campus, Residence

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